2012 has come to a close and we’re ecstatic to share our “Top 10 Most Popular Team Run Smart Articles of 2012” list. We strive to produce informative, valuable and actionable content for our readers, and since our launch in August we’ve produced more than 100 articles. Topics range from ways to be Fuel Smart, Truck Smart, Business Smart and Health Smart. Let’s take a look at the top 10 most popular articles of 2012 that you, our readers, enjoyed most:

  1. Beat the Heat By Preventing Tire Blowouts: Tires and excessive heat are a bad combination for every driver, from NASCAR® racers to owner-operators. With tires being one of the highest costs for owner-operators, this article pointed out some pre-emptive measures you can take to protect your tires when the heat of the summer months return, protecting your bottom line.
  1. Why You Should Be Using the Section 179 Tax Deduction: Owner-operators could deduct the full purchase price of most equipment and/or software purchased or financed during the 2012 tax year for their business. Section 179 of the IRS tax code allowed businesses that buy (or lease) a piece of qualifying equipment to deduct the full purchase price from gross income. The outcome of the presidential election could likely change this tax deduction for 2013.  Learn how to many owner-operators are able to take advantage of this tax deduction.
  1. Increase Your Cash Flow By Reducing Fuel Spending: With the way fuel prices have been increasing each week, recently topping $4.00/gallon, it can be difficult to manage cash flow when so much is being spent on fuel. However, during times of high fuel costs, it is possible to increase your cash flow by reducing your fuel expense. Read our tips on how to reduce your fuel costs and increase your cash flow. 
  1. Preventing Damage to Your Power Divider: Due to the significant number of failures surrounding the Inter-Axle Differential (IAD) Lock, also known as the Power Divider, there is confusion and frustration with the proper use of this component. Read this article for tips on how to prevent damage to your IAD, which can save you thousands in repairs.
  1. Finding Your Sweet Spot to Reduce Fuel Spending: When baseball player Alex “A-Rod” Rodriguez with the New York Yankees hits as many home runs as he did last season (16 to be exact), you know he has a winning technique for hitting the ball.  Learn how finding your sweet spot will get you the best fuel mileage. 
  1. Saving Your Rig From Sandy’s Flooding: Superstorm Sandy left lots of Class 8 trucks subject to flooding from contaminated waters. The immense damage that can be caused from flooding made many consider totaling their truck and buying a new model.  Learn how many drivers got their trucks back up and running after the storm. These recommended procedures will save your truck and save you thousands from any flooding disaster. 
  1. Chicken Lights and Federal Regulations: It is a long-held belief that any lights installed on a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), particularly truck manufacturer-installed lights, must be capable of operation, day or night. Many law enforcement officers will issue a citation for any light on a CMV that is not operable. Learn the hard facts about "chicken lights" and why knowing the federal regulations is important. 
  1. The Importance of a Professional Appearance: We’re sure you’ve heard the saying that first impressions are the most important. People make immediate judgments about a person’s ability, knowledge, attention to detail, etc., based entirely on their appearance. Truck drivers need to look at their professional appearance as a component of running their business successfully and gaining the respect of their customers and peers.
  1. Outsmarting the Grocery Store: Most truck drivers aren’t stopping at grocery stores to get their food for the day.  It’s not very convenient.  But there is a lot that can be said for buying more of your food from a grocery store than from the truck stop. This article noted some tips for getting through the grocery store without buying a bunch of things you don’t need. 
  1. Which Business Structure is Right for Your Business: It is critical to understand the business structure options available and when each is most appropriate for your business. From this ebook, you will learn which structure will have the best impact on your business and which will save you the most money.

Which was your favorite Team Run Smart article of 2012? What topics would you like to be covered in 2013? Let us know in the comment section below.

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Heather Dunn

Heather started with ATBS in April of 2012 as the Digital Marketing Manager. Heather is a graduate of Michigan State University earning her Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a specialization in Public Relations. When Heather is not working she enjoys being outdoors. She loves the beach, the mountains, and riding her cruiser bike.

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