The ELD Mandate is now in effect. You either love it or you hate it. The mandate has caused much anxiety, frustration, and annoyance amongst drivers and fleet owners alike. Many fleet owners feel that the ELD Mandate has created countless new rules that only slow them down and cripple their efficiency; however, it doesn’t have to be that way.
The ELD Mandate can benefit your business in a positive way. One of the best new rules coming out of the ELD Mandate is the required used of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). Fleet owners must install ELDs in all their trucks before the end of 2017.

Some drivers refer to the ELDs as the “little black box.” The ELD must be built and certified to specific FMCSA requirements and be tamper-proof and securely connected to the truck’s engine. The ELD must log all engine activity including:
- Engine on and running duration
- Truck moving
- Truck speed
- Truck location and trip history
Many ELDs are built to also record and report additional data like engine health, tire pressure, and seat belt use.
Also Read: The Electronic Logging Device Mandate: What You Need to Know
Installing an ELD into your truck has many benefits that you might not consider at first because you still may be balking at the cost. Trust us, we know those things are expensive!
Benefit #1: Driver Safety
ELDs are meant to help improve HOS compliance. You want to keep you drivers safe. Maintaining accurate HOS records can help minimize driver fatigue and reduce potential accidents. In a recent DOT study, data from 11 different carriers of varying sizes who have installed ELDs in their trucks found that the number of crashes was reduced by over 11%. Additionally, EHSR-equipped trucks had 53% less driving-related HOS violations saving drivers and fleets money.
Benefit #2: Unsafe or Wasteful Driving Alerts
Electronic logging devices can help alert fleet owners and managers if unsafe and wasteful driving is occurring during a haul. Hard braking is an indicator of potentially hazardous situations. Hard braking, or stop-go driving, can decrease your MPG by up to 30% costing you more money in the end.
Benefit #3: Reduce Speeding
Speed is the number one factor is almost 1/3 of all fatal crashes. ELDs can help reduce truck speed by alerting both the driver and the fleet manager back in the office about current speed. Some fleets have reported that they have been able to reduce speeding in their fleets by up to 90%. Reducing speeding not only saves the life of your driver, but also those on the roadways.
Benefit #4: Reduce Unproductive Idling
Unproductive idling occurs daily in trucker’s life. An electronic logging device can record the amount of time throughout the day your drivers let their trucks idle unproductively.
Benefit #5: Optimize Your Routes
Some ELDs, like Telogis, often route planning and navigation units that can benefit both you and your driver. Using tools like navigation can help you optimize your route for better efficiency and lower costs in fuel and time.
Benefit #6: Save Fuel Money
Using an ELD in your trucks can help fleet owners to save money on fuel. Not only will you save money by reducing hard-braking, following optimized routes, and reducing speed, but you can also make sure you driver is using his or her fuel card for only authorized purchases and not for their own personal or fraudulent use.
While the upfront cost of installing electronic logging devices in all your trucks may make you lose sleep at night, these little “black boxes” will save you money in the long run. Plus, we support anything that that makes the roads a safer place for truck drivers and everyone else.