With another year having blown by and a new one settling in upon us, there is barely any time to reflect back on 2016 in the fierce-paced environment of business!  A lot will be happening this year in our industry with the onset of the ELD enforcement date coming, as well as continuing pressures for speed limiting devices, sleep apnea screening and automation.  As a small business owner, it is at this time more important than ever to kick off the year already in high gear! 
As an independent carrier, I see a lot of tasks on my desk with the changing of the calendar.  The end of the previous year brings with it things like UCR renewal, IFTA renewal and end of the year bookkeeping.  With the New Year I get the tasks of IFTA filing for the last quarter and in my case particularly, insurance and IRP plate renewal, since I started my MC operating authority in the beginning portion of the calendar year.  This year we will also now begin reviewing our plans for adding more trucks to the operation and shopping around for the best deal on ELD’s that best suit our needs, in accordance with the final rule.
There are a few big plans in store, both personal and professional, from my side of things this year.  I can only offer a glimpse into it in saying that you should stay tuned to this blog and teamrunsmart.com in general to see what is in store for 2017!  With the launch and production of Freightliner’s “New Cascadia” hitting full swing this year and our focus here at Team Run Smart to be as user-beneficial as possible, you can definitely expect to see some good stuff coming from myself and the other Pros this year!
Remember to start getting your tax documents in order for filing, as April 15th will come faster than you think.  Try to keep on top of the post-holiday freight slowdown that typically takes hold this time of year as well.  Stay bundled up, safe and warm out there until the winter chill thaws!  I wish every one of you reading this first blog of mine for 2017 a rich and prosperous year with nothing but the best to come!  Looking forward to the upcoming truck show season and seeing some of you out there!  Prost!



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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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