Given the rapid adaptation and evolution of technology in our industry, I find myself at the crossroads of early compliance and contemplation.  As much as I like to comply with new regulations early, which helps me adapt my business model while everyone else is still fumbling to catch up, I find myself slightly reluctant to do so in regards to one looming area.  I am speaking of course, about the ELD rule and the dilemma I am having settling in on one single device that satisfies my needs for ease-of-use, affordability, as well as the fundamental rules governing what devices will actually be compliant with the final rule.
Of course there are your better-known brands out there that are already putting out their products as "final rule compliant" and their products are already proven to work very well with today's trucks when it comes to their plug-and-play nature.  Given some introductions of new units as of late, such as Rand McNally's debut of their new ELD 50 unit at this past MATS, my confusion and contemplation in the ELD department has me wanting to wait a little longer before I leap into the cost of an electronic logging system to comply.
As early as I am to want to adapt, given the nature of how I run my business, the rate at which technology becomes obsolete these days is astounding.  Just like computers, smartphones and tablets, I am slightly afraid that the investment into a system at this point could lead to that same technology being a "dinosaur" by the time the hammer of the final rule becomes reality for everyone on the road. 
I will admit that I still have my eyes set on the VDO RoadLog, partly due to its ease of use and "print on the dash" option to recap your previous seven days.  As a matter of fact, the only reason I have held off is wondering what new advances like the ELD 50 might come to market, as we get closer to the rule enforcement date?  With the rapid development of this technology now being undertaken by some HOS heavy-hitters in the industry, I can't help but to think that I may benefit by waiting to see what new units make it onto the market.  What is your take on waiting or not waiting to comply?

Comments (2)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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ELD and the Blockchain

January 23, 2018



I'm waiting too Jimmy.

April 23, 2016 5:21:49 AM

I would definitely wait until FMCSA gets and approved list together.

April 23, 2016 4:55:14 AM