Losing weight can seem like a huge challenge when you look at how far you have to go to reach your goals.  However, little steps will get you closer than you think, and create permanent change along the way.  Here are seven small changes you can make to see big results!

  1. Eliminate one bottle of soda per day. At 240 calories/65 grams sugar(16.25 tsps) x 365 days/year = 87,600 calories/23,725 grams sugar(5931 tsps). This adds up to 25 lbs worth of calories!
  2. Walk one mile a day. You’ll burn about 110 calories, lower stress and gain energy! This adds up to 37,960 additional calories worth about 11 lbs. while also working your entire body and cardio respiratory system.
  3. Eliminate one unhealthy carbohydrate snack per day.  Some examples: candy bar, chips, cookies, cake, etc.  You’ll save at least 210 calories adding up to at least 6 lbs. and a lot of sugar!
  4. Do 20 push-ups a day (any kind). You will do 7,300 in a year! This is an excellent exercise working the entire upper body and abdominals. And, of course it burns a few more calories.
  5. Eliminate one high sodium food a day.  At approximately 800 mg, this adds up to 292,000 mg/year. This drastically reduces your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. Ex: soups and gravies, soy sauce and other sauces, salad dressings, salami, bacon and other cured meats, cheese, pretzels, cheese puffs, popcorn, chips and other snacks, pickled foods, fast foods, table salt, etc.
  6. Stretch for 5 minutes a day. This increases blood flow, reduces back pain, reduces stress, increase energy, reduces risk of injury, etc.
  7. Add one high fiber food a day. This will reduce your risk of diabetes, help control blood sugar, assist in weight control, clean out the digestive tract, reduce risk of stroke, IBS issues, and heal skin problems. Ex: Beans, peas and legumes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, 100% whole grain products, apples and pears w/peel, berries, dries prunes, etc.
Remember, you can always get to where you’re going, you just have to take the first small step.  Even choosing just two items from this list to work on each week will get you closer to your goals!

Need additional tips or motivation? Check out Rolling Strong!

Comments (7)

Bob Perry

Bob Perry is on a mission to educate drivers and share life-changing products and services to help professional drivers while on the road. Recognized as the Trucker Trainer™ by professional drivers nationwide, Bob brings a unique perspective to the transportation industry. As the President of Rolling Strong™, Bob provides the transportation companies and drivers and owner operators with in-terminal and on the road wellness programs.

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LIVE Smart

LIVE Smart

My Morning Walks

September 27, 2014


Good tips.

September 07, 2014 22:29:17 PM

Good tips.

September 07, 2014 22:29:12 PM

I totally agree - high sodium and high sugar are some of the biggest problems. Just taking out one a day (one can of soda, one bag of chips) and replacing it with a healthier option can make a huge difference.

August 15, 2014 9:34:57 AM

Eliminate one unhealthy snack or high sodium food a day is a great way to start small and win big.

August 06, 2014 19:38:21 PM

Great article!

August 04, 2014 12:26:00 PM

Great feedback, Darren! A fantastic way to take a break (and get out of the heat). :)

July 28, 2014 8:40:22 AM

Great article Bob! One hint that helps both the waistline and the pocket book are shopping malls. Most shopping malls are air conditioned and have designated walking loops and walking clubs. You can get out of the heat to cut idling your truck and walk around the mall. A quick check at the malls info desk will give you the info about route and how many laps around will equal one mile. Also they are typically open for mall walkers earlier than normal store hours (typically an hour or so).

July 24, 2014 14:02:05 PM