With Halloween falling on a Monday this year, be sure to exercise caution this weekend while driving, since many of the annual parties this year will take place early when most people do not have to drag themselves back into work hung over!  As more and more businesses and shopping malls are now practicing their own early trick-or-treat sessions for the kiddos as well, remember that pedestrian traffic is also set to increase around those areas as well.  With an increase in foot traffic and driving traffic through Monday night, be extra vigilant in scanning for hazards!
Even though some children play it safe and carry flashlights, glow-sticks, and strobes, it still can be difficult to see them as they run about the dimly lit streets.  Glow sticks may be something fun for people around this time of year, but as a safety device they actually make it so that you are more visible when crossing a street or walking on a sidewalk.
If you happen to be a parent with kids going out on the hunt for candy this year, be sure to coach them on how to stay safe ahead of time.  Bright colored costumes are best for visibility, but if your child does have a dark costume, make sure they have a light source such as a flashlight, strobe pin, or glow-stick to make them more visible in the dark.  Remind them to look out for vehicle traffic and only to cross streets in well-lit, crosswalk controlled crossings.
This holiday poses another danger in the form of increased inebriated drivers.  Far too many people ignore the harsh penalties for drinking and driving and partake in alcoholic beverages at costume parties before taking the wheel.  Why these people would not just call an Uber or Lyft ride is beyond me, but nonetheless some still take the gamble of drinking and driving.  If you decide to party and drink a few adult beverages yourself, be sure to designate a driver, call a cab, or use an app for a ride.  If you have to work and will be out driving on the roads this Halloween, be sure to keep your eyes on the lookout for pedestrians, and be aware of other hazards such as potential drivers under the influence around you.

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Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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