The economy has picked up somewhat since the recession and this means more traffic on the road. With more traffic and people going to work it’s become obvious that I’m experiencing more congestion and aggressive driving in the process.

I have experienced radical driving maneuvers from cars and construction pick- up trucks more than ever. Years ago, I used to race stock cars as a hobby and produced these driving maneuvers on the race track on Saturday nights. However, the practice of using these driving tactics is not appropriate for our nation’s highways. Lately, I’ve had numerous motorists pass my truck on the right side as they look to be attempting to go onto the exit ramp and then they’ll make a sudden turn to the left and get in front of me. When in drivers education did we ever learn this? Another dangerous move which seems to be on the rise is motorists coming from the far left lane and heading straight across the right lanes to get onto an off ramp… keep in mind there aren’t any turn signals involved in this risky move.

This week, I happened to be eating at a travel center and sat at a window seat. While enjoying my meal, I had a clear view of a convenience store across the street. The store was located on the corner and is a busy location for traffic and pedestrians. I observed numerous motorists dive through the parking lot in order to not have to sit through the traffic light. One construction truck that happened to be pulling a low-boy trailer cut off the light and went through this parking area at a fairly rapid pace. With the amount of people walking in, out and around this convenience store, I felt this was an accident waiting to happen. I thought to myself… how big of a hurry are these people in? How much time are they really saving before reaching their destination?

I’m wondering if this is just me lately or if anyone else is experiencing this much aggressive driving lately? Am I just getting older and learning to pace myself or is this type of driving getting worse on our highways? What I do know is that we as professional truck drivers need to be extra vigilant in our driving practices as to not be part of an incident when one of these insane maneuvers goes wrong.

Comments (3)

Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/Tâ„¢, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.

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We're all getting older Henry, but you are correct in noticing that driving behaviours are becoming more dangerous. I see more and more aggressive driving from everyone. Driving at 60mph, I've noticed more and more drivers treat that safety space in front to me as their own personal merge lane, often coming within inches of my front bumper, especially at construction zones. Be safe out there everyone.

October 28, 2014 14:26:19 PM

I do believe the driving is getting worse. I don't know how most schools work around the country but I do know that to save money, several of the schools in my area have cut drivers education from their curriculum. These people really don't learn proper driving techniques. You don't save any real time making these moves, many times someone that does this will end up right in front of you at the next intersection. They didn't accomplish a single thing except to endanger everyone on the road. Also, as a nation we seem to be in much more of a hurry than in the past and I really don't know why.

October 20, 2014 13:56:35 PM

You are getting older. Having a CMS makes you even more aware of the aggressive driving of others. That exit from the far left lane and having to hit the brakes makes my CMS react and does not make me happy. We are also seeing it from big trucks. I had one recently on I 65 near Gary, IN. Traffic tends to tighten up as we head NB towards the 80/94 exit. I try to get in the exit lane at least 2 miles in advance. Every time trucks and cars keep passing up to the last possible moment. It is a 2 lane exit, but the right hand lane ends about .5 miles ahead before you actually get on 80/94. So, I like to stay in the proper lane. I had one recently who got about halfway passed me - and then tried to force me into the far right lane. You're right though these maneuvers save seconds - not even minutes. The results can be tragic. RELAX!

October 18, 2014 5:48:43 AM