Roundabouts reduce fatalities by 52%. Yes, they are a pain in the hinder for us to drag our 53 foot trailers through. Deal with it. We have no choice. They are gaining in popularity. There is nothing we can do about that. But, I keep going back to that number. They cut fatalities in half. HALF! That makes me want to learn to deal with them.
The Wisconsin DOT is trying to help. Check out . They have a few simple videos there. They are actually amusing and helpful. The Wisconsin CDL manual has an instructional page for roundabouts too. The information in the manual is a dryer version that is on the website.
The last time that I rode with the safety guy we went around a roundabout. It turns out that I had been
doing them wrong. As truckers are natural instinct is to stay right. In roundabouts this is often wrong. We can put our right steer tire beyond the white line and our left trailer tires will still drag into the next lane. So, when appropriate use the inside or left lane. Your trailer tires will drag harmlessly over the center of the roundabout. This seems a little rebellious. It is not. That is what they are designed for. Don't worry. Trailer skirts easily ride over them.
There will be times that you can not use that method. If you are making a right turn, you may have to use that right lane and drag the trailer into another lane. My suggestion then is to block both lanes as much as you can. It is similar to making a right turn in a traditional intersection. Get close enough to the right to prevent a car from sneaking in. At the same time block the left. That works for me. Yes, I have been given the hand gesture. That is better than filling out an accident report.
One thing that needs to be done. THE DOT NEEDS TO POST NO PASSING SIGNS. Throughout the videos they tell us not to pass in the roundabouts. Then they don't put up signs. This may just be a guess. People dumb enough to try passing a semi in a roundabout aren't going to the website. With the current CSA rules it does not matter how stupid that 4 wheeler is for attempting to pass. Be careful. Watch the videos. Follow those rules and use what you have learned over the years. And remember that these things have cut fatalities by 52%.