With the new “hours of service” rules upon us in July, it seemed fitting to revisit a previous blog I wrote last year. Our lives seem to constantly require change in some way shape or form and I hope this article helps to gain a new perspective if you’re having some reservations in regards to the new rule changes.

One of the principles I’ve operated my business from is the old adage “when life throws you lemons you make lemonade.” This adage has served me well over the years through the many twists and turns that my business and my life have gone through.

I adopted this philosophy from my days racing stock cars. Nearly every year something in the rulebook would be changed in a manner that I found would disrupt the performance of my race car. Sometimes the rule change would add an expense that would make it more difficult to be competitive and other times it would take away something I already had which would reduce my car’s performance.

Here is how the process would normally go: during the racing season drivers and team owners would enthusiastically lobby either the sanctioning body or the track promoter for rules that would most benefit their race team. I was always active in lobbying for rules that would benefit my race team and many times the racing division as a whole. Sometimes my efforts would lead to changes that I had lobbied for. However, all the other teams were actively pursuing the powers that be in a similar manner.

Despite all of these efforts we were not the decision makers. It wasn’t until after the rule book was published that we knew what the rules would be for the new season. Some of the rules I would find worked to my advantage, sometimes not. At this point I was left to decide, do I want to continue to race or not? In spite of the changes, every year that I could, I raced.

Many of the teams exerted their energy complaining about the rules rather than finding ways to make the rules work in their favor. Little did I know that my early days of racing would lead me to a philosophy that would serve me so well in my business today.\

I learned how to stop concentrating on how bad the new rule was, but instead turned my thoughts over to taking decisions made by officials work in my favor. On each rule if I looked hard enough, I could find a silver lining to be exploited advantageously on the track. Sometimes making lemonade out of lemons was not the answer as at times I had to make lemon pie.


Comments (4)

Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/T™, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.

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BOL = $$$

February 12, 2014



Well, I survived! Hope everyone did as well with the new changes. As I thought, not much changed for me except the 30 minute off duty. Overall, no big deal!

July 01, 2013 20:37:11 PM

Woke up today refreshed and ready to take on the HOS and make them work. Could be somewhat of a test as we will be on back roads for most of the day. This is article that should be pinned to bulletin boards to be read often.

July 01, 2013 3:39:19 AM

I'm with Craig-really time to find a way to make it work.

June 30, 2013 23:08:08 PM

Henry, lets hope a lot of people read your article and learn from you! I hope the new HOS rule changes go as smooth as possible for drivers in all sectors of our industry and hopefully they can find the positive in these changes.

June 30, 2013 19:13:10 PM