For many years we had the traditional bed that had lots of storage underneath. It did not take me long trying to work while sitting in bed to start longing for a table. What I did not want is a bed that had to be put together or the ones with cushions. I could not imagine trying to sleep while going down the road on cushions.
My vision of the perfect Murphy bed was a bed that could be made, pillows sitting on the bed, and easily lifted and stowed away. We finally found this set up in our current sleeper and after almost three years I can count on one hand how many days the bed has not been put away.
I had to get a little more creative on ways to store stuff that I normally would have placed under the bed. When there is a will there is a way and it did not take me long to figure out this dilemma.
As you can see in the video the bed is easily placed in an up right position and then lowered. The extra room the Murphy bed has given us in our sleeper is priceless and now we have the ability to sit at our table and enjoy a meal, turn the table into a desk and work away, or set up the table to play games.