Firstly, check with your doctor before trying any stimulant products.  Now, I want to tell you about this great product that I have been using very sparingly for a few years now.  I use 5 Hour Energy when I am feeling tired and have to keep going.  I don't like to take them often because I don't want to develop any type of dependency on them.

Now that ELDs are the law of the land, rigid adherence to hours of service (HOS) will require all truckers to work strictly according to the HOS clock.  Normal circadian rhythm may have to take a back seat when we are ruled by a strict countdown timer.  That's a perfect opportunity to try 5 Hour Energy.5hourenergy.jpg

I would recommend not taking the product within 7 hours of your bedtime.  It doesn't make you feel jittery, you just won't feel tired.  That's the beauty of the product, it feels very natural.  I started using the Extra Strength blend and have found that I can just use half a bottle at a time to get very similar results as a full bottle of regular strength blend.

If you're reluctant to try it, think of it as an emergency item that you keep in your truck.  I carry extra winter clothing and emergency equipment that I don't plan on using, but keep it just in case.  Keep a few bottles on hand to help you with those times when you're dragging and you have miles to go.

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Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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