Since becoming a Team Run Smart Pro and utilizing the site to inform folks in the trucking industry of various issues we all encounter out there, I have personally conversed with many who are quite thankful for the information we help to provide online.  It is rewarding to know that I have already been able to help some truckers avoid some of the common mistakes I have made along the way in my own career.  The blogs and articles provided by the pros and coaches are a great source of information for many topics on lots of great topics such as maintenance, taxes, industry regulations, and fuel economy.  With such a wide variety of communication tools available on, I figured I would take a little time to explain a couple of them that might not be as well known.
When you first visit the web community on, you of course have direct access to tabs along the top representing the four pillars of success; Truck Smart, Fuel Smart, Business Smart, and Health Smart.  By clicking on these you can view the most recent and archived articles from the coaches related to each of these aspects of the trucking industry. 
Next to those, is another tab you can click on titled “More+”.  This tab gives you access to articles from two other important parts of the industry, Live Smart and Drive Smart.  You can also find information on other things that Team Run Smart is actively involved in, such as truck shows, team videos, and motorsports involvement. 
To the right of that we have “The PROs” tab, where you can access information on the Team Run Smart Pros, view their most recent and archived blogs, as well as subscribe to follow their blogs.
The next portion leads me to a site tool that I feel is under-utilized by many members, but can be a great way to become more actively involved in the Team Run Smart experience!  By clicking on the “COMMUNITY” tab, you are instantly brought to a portion of the community that gives you a chance to really have your voice heard.  On the “COMMUNITY” page you will find all of the latest comments in our threaded forums, based on five important areas of the trucking lifestyle; Truck Smart, Fuel Smart, Business Smart, Live Smart, and Health Smart.  The key difference to this section is that it allows you to voice your own questions, comments, and concerns in an environment that is monitored daily by coaches, pros and fellow members.  It offers a direct way for your voice to be heard and your own questions to be answered! 
The more involved you are in Team Run Smart, the more you can learn about increasing your success in the industry.  Show off your involvement by earning badges for different point levels.  By clicking on the “Earn Miles” tab, you can learn more about how to build up your community participation points in different ways such as completing certain parts of your profile, rating articles, and commenting on blogs and articles.  When you reach certain milestones you will be rewarded a badge, identifying your involvement within the Team Run Smart online community. 

Also, be sure to check out the “Member Deals” tab directly underneath this one, which will contain information on current deals available to you as a Team Run Smart member.  Some of the companies with offers for members include ATBS, Rolling Strong and the Freightliner in-cab FIT system, MyMilesMatter by Shell Rotella,, Internet Truckstop, Tru-Balance, and
What would an online community be without offering the ability to converse with friends?  Team Run Smart offers this by allowing you to invite friends to sign up for free as a member, “Friend” current members you like, as well as send mail messages to other members from within the site.
It has been great to witness first-hand the growth of this wonderful community and to have helped contribute to it through my own active involvement.  In the short time I have been a Team Run Smart Pro, I have had the privilege to learn from other members, as well as provide helpful tips in my own blogs.  This community thrives on active involvement and is a wonderful way for everyone in the trucking industry to have a voice and help to make a difference.  I look forward to reaching many more people through this community and making many more friendships along the way!

Comments (5)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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The more you click around on the site the more you'll find!

June 08, 2013 13:41:56 PM

My hat is definitely off to the design team and folks who maintain this wonderful site. It is a wealth of information and it must be one heck of a job to keep it all running, organized, and running smoothly. Thank you to those following along and the great feedback on this blog topic.

June 08, 2013 8:46:53 AM

Jimmy, great article. The website is very well laid out, easy to navigate and very informative. I've learned a lot during my time here and I look forward to learning even more.

June 07, 2013 13:49:24 PM

A guide to the award winning website! good job Jimmy

June 07, 2013 5:50:16 AM

Lots of great tips Jimmy!

June 07, 2013 5:27:16 AM