The answer to “What should you do now?” truly is as simple as you should “do nothing”. As the UCR site has stated along the top of the screenshot below, UCR filing for 2019 has been delayed while a change to the fee schedule is being contemplated. As nice as it is that we may get a reduction in the fees we pay for the upcoming renewal, the onslaught of notices has already begun cramming into my mailbox on a regular basis to annoy us all. As official as some of these notices are designed to seem, rest assured you are not missing anything right now by not taking action to renew for 2019.

As there is no telling yet when the site will be open for payments, or what the final fee schedule will be, know that no one has access to “file early” or “pre-file”, as some of the scammer notices have suggested in my mailbox. UCR is something that can be done directly online through UCR and is rather simple with some of your basic carrier information to do yourself, without utilizing some overpriced service. I have seen some of the advertised “service fees” being tacked onto some of the notices I have received and they look to be a true form of highway robbery. Don’t be pressured into someone advertising an advantage for trying to file early through them, since such an advantage is not open to anyone in this time of postponement.
Once the site comes back online to allow filing with the set fees for 2019, go to and you can file using your carrier information quite easily. Until then, be vigilant for the notices sent out that are made to look like official government documents and the likes, as this is a common tactic used to pressure those unfamiliar with UCR filings into utilizing their services. I have even received one sent in what appeared to be an overnight express envelope, just to add the extra icing on the cake of deceit. Keep an eye out for the new renewal schedule of fees online though, so that you can file as soon as possible to remain compliant for 2019 operations!