Where's The Teeth.
The other day we were discussing driver image on a conference call. The subject of teeth came up. Not the teeth in our mouths, but teeth on the grills of our trucks. The kind that look aggressive. They look especially aggressive in the rear view mirror of our cars when that is all you can see.
It took me three days to see a truck with these teeth. I finally saw one and walked around the truck stop taking pictures of trucks. Not many had that outlaw look. That was the only one with the teeth. While I was there I saw a trucker walking beside a truck that was backing out of a tight spot. He was a younger guy helping spot the other trucker back out of a tight spot. He was a younger trucker doing something that us old truckers say these young bucks just don't do anymore.
The pictures were taken and the driver that I was relaying a load with was still an hour away. Lunch seemed like a good idea. Now that smoking is no longer allowed I enjoy the counter conversation. The typical conversation about the worthiness of modern technology ELDs and the like. It was pleasant and logical and good. Everyone was sharing ideas in conversational tones and being respectful of each other. Then one old guy, about my age sat down. He looked rough and wore his political opinion on his hat. He was loud.
He began pontificating without anyone prompting him. He went on about how this new generation was no good. Mind you this younger driver, who had just helped a fellow driver was sitting at the counter. The old driver went on and on about how these old days were so great. ELDs are ruining this business. He used to run 86 mph all the time in his cab over. He could run for 4 days and only sleep 6 hours total. Those were the days. These new drivers “don't know nothin'” about hard work. Finally, I looked up and said yeah, I remember those days. You weren't a real driver if you couldn't cover 1,000 miles in a day. Yeah he said those were the days. I said yeah they were and thank God that we don't run like that anymore.
He had nothing to say. ELDs are not the solution to everything. I don't even think of them as a safety device. Outlaw trucking isn't either. Even if we could get away with it. I read one of Henry's old blogs the other day. He was saying how some of these old dog truckers were getting out of the business because it was not fun any more. Gee, what where is the
fun if we can't put teeth in our grills run 86 mph hour-in our cab overs and sleep 90 minutes a night.
We can enjoy our job. We should enjoy our job. To me driving down the road in a comfortable truck looking out the window and listening to the radio is the best job in the world. It is also a business. We are professionals. We should not be giving our time away as a badge of macho honor.