During the month of May, I had the opportunity to
participate in a cross country tour (from San Diego, CA to Gastonia, NC) in Freightliner's new "Cascadia Evolution." The new truck showcased the latest technology in regards to fuel efficiency.
I wanted to give you some information on my experience operating the recently unveiled Cascadia Evolution, equipped with the all new Detroit DT 12 Transmission. I traveled a total of 2,459 miles in this vehicle. The new transmission is a single counter shaft transmission, available with direct or overdrive, final gear ratio, 12 forward gears, E-coast mode and skip shift.
As I prepared myself for the trip, I was a bit leery of the E-coast feature. In order to save fuel, the E-coast automatically disengages the engine when the vehicle is coasting. This is a sophisticated version of what drivers have referred to for years as "The Georgia Overdrive." The new transmission works as a controlled "Georgia Overdrive." Therefore, it will never allow you to coast beyond a safe speed. The driver sets the controls to a speed above his/her chosen cruise speed. The transmission reengages the engine and if necessary; turns on the compression brake to maintain a safe and comfortable speed. All this action takes place very smoothly and I wouldn't have noticed the E-coast performing its function if I hadn’t heard the engine brake. 
During the cross-country tour, I had only a small bit of experience with the creep mode. I found it gave me excellent low speed maneuverability.

At the conclusion of the tour, I had a chance to speak with the engineers who had collected the data from our journey. The results showed I had coasted over 600 miles, achieved 9.32 mpg at 76,000 lbs. with a cruise speed of 62 mph. Needless to say, I was more than impressed with the transmission's contribution to the stellar fuel efficiency achievements.

Click here for more information on the DT 12  Automated Manual Transmission.
Till next time be safe,

Comments (5)

Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/T™, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.

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I enjoyed reading and sharing this blog on the day you posted 11 MPG.

October 03, 2013 15:37:49 PM

Wow!! A whopping 9.32 mpg! That kind of fuel mileage seems sooo far away from me. I am very interested in that "creep mode" you mentioned. My UltraShift, in a 2007 Century, drives me crazy when I am at low speed. Does the creep mode help any when backing up to a dock? Mine will disengage when I try easing into a dock or backing under a trailer and can get a little embarrassing sometimes.

August 16, 2012 6:57:17 AM

All I can say is it was amazing how smooth the transmission shifted in and out of gear. It was really hard to notice the E coast mode performing its funtion at all

August 13, 2012 21:52:11 PM

I need one of those in my Traverse! ☺ Your stories are always filled with great information.

August 13, 2012 11:29:15 AM

It would be awesome to drive the truck and feel that transmission work! What a great opportunity you and had and thanks for sharing!

August 13, 2012 6:21:23 AM