My favorite way to start out the morning is to make my bed, get dressed, shave, and eat breakfast. Then it is time for my morning walk. I really enjoy going for a walk in the morning as it gives me time to sort out my day, get some exercise, and often times catch a beautiful sunrise. I like going for a walk and getting away from the truck, the truck stop, and getting my mind in the proper frame to start the day. I will admit that I do stop at different times during the walk to start planning my day.
My stops include checking my app where the best place will be for me to buy fuel, looking at my google maps to see if there are any unexpected traffic delays ahead, catching up on the news, and sending good morning texts to my loved ones and some of my friends. Of course, I enjoy getting pictures of the different surroundings and try to set myself up to capture an image of the sun as it makes its magnificent entrance into the new day.
There are times during my walk that I will decide that I am not starting as soon as I have my hours available to drive. You may ask why I do not start at the first possible moment? The reason for me delaying the start of my day is one of two reasons, the primary goal may be that I am not pushed for time and I am enjoying my walk, the second reason is there are other times when I have seen a massive traffic congestion problem directly in my routes path. Often when I see a traffic delay like this, the decision is made to postpone the start of my day as to not use up my available driving hours sitting still in the morning commute.
In the end, I find these walks to be very beneficial in numerous ways. It is an excellent form of exercise, I have mental clarity, and I start my day on a positive note. Plus you never know what you may stumble upon around the next corner if you simply stayed in the truck.