Trying to trim your waistline? Here are three simple tips to help you improve your portion control as you take small steps forward in your weight control goal.
Use a smaller plate or bowl
When we use our eyes as our guide, many times they trick us into eating more than we really need. By using a smaller plate or bowl, a normal serving size will appear large and satisfying to the eye. So skip the large dinner plates or oversized bowls and mugs in favor of lunch plates and dessert cups and you will be surprised just how that small change can make a big difference.

portion control
Never eat out of the bag
It is easy to get caught up in mindless eating and lose track of how much you are consuming when you are eating right out of the bag or box. Take note of the recommended serving size on the nutrition label on the side of the package. Place the recommended serving size on a small plate before returning the closed bag or box to the shelf. Take your time and savor the flavor while celebrating that you limited your portion size to one serving.
Learn to picture the right portion
Measuring your food is always a great way to be sure you are not overdoing it. Unfortunately many times we don't have a measuring utensil with us. Learning to eyeball accurately is a great skill that can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals by making sure you are eating the correct portion size even without measuring. Here are some basics to help you get started:
  • 1 cup = the size of a baseball which is the appropriate size for rice or pasta
  • ½ cup = the size of a standard light bulb which is the appropriate size for a serving of ice cream, mashed potatoes, canned fruit, beans or yogurt
  • 2 TBSP = the size of a golf ball which is the appropriate size for a serving of peanut butter or other nut butters
  • 3 oz. of meat = the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand which is the appropriate serving of steak, pork or chicken
By following these simple tips you will ensure that you are keeping your portions under control and on track with your weight loss goals.

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Comments (2)

Bob Perry

Bob Perry is on a mission to educate drivers and share life-changing products and services to help professional drivers while on the road. Recognized as the Trucker Trainer™ by professional drivers nationwide, Bob brings a unique perspective to the transportation industry. As the President of Rolling Strong™, Bob provides the transportation companies and drivers and owner operators with in-terminal and on the road wellness programs.

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Two more tips that help me is if I order a meal I know is huge I get the togo box with the meal so I can split it. The other tip is at home the serving dishes stay up on the counter not on the table where we are eating. We have to make a conscious effort to get up and go over to the counter to get more food.

June 19, 2015 5:07:46 AM

All worth while tips. Much easier said than done but you have to have willpower. It's mostly in the mind.

June 18, 2015 15:50:29 PM