I confess. I am a workaholic. All of my life, I have been driven. As a youngster, I had morning and
afternoon paper routes. I carried a full college load, while working full time. As a driver, I have always maximized my hours of service. I admit to -well let's just say – highly efficient logging techniques. I would throw 3 floor loads per week in addition to running about about 150,000 miles per year. It is my nature to maximize production.
This is by no means a full retirement. I don't know if I will ever do that. I am truly passionate about what I do. This New Cascadia is a fabulous truck. I am a professional driver, and I believe that what binds the best drivers together is that we love to drive. I am not ready to give that up, especially with a new truck on the way. I will be slowing down a little and not pushing the edge of the log book any more. Basically, I will be driving 2,000 – 2,500 miles per week. That will include 2 out and back runs
with a little time off in between.
It will mean a day off in the middle of the week to get stuff done. That means that my weekends will be cleared to do our stuff, instead of stuff. I think that losing my bother last year has influenced my decision. Life on earth is finite. Enjoy it.
Reaching this point is a process. There were times when I wanted that new GMC Sierra and bought a Canyon. Maybe, now I will get that cool bigger pick up. Maybe, I will finally buy that Harley. Maybe, I won't. Thrift matters. Getting to this point means not having everything that you want, or even can afford when you're younger. One of the things that the WW2 generation did was pay off their houses before they retired. I have seen articles that say that isn't always the best advice. Hmm – maybe I am a little too old school. The differences between 15-20-30 year mortgages aren't as much as you may
think. Think about a shorter mortgage.
I bought myself a little semi – retirement gift. It is a bird feeder. For some reason, I really enjoy watching the birds. There is a place for it outside of our dining room window. It will require a little landscaping, but no money. Carpentry and landscaping will be two hobbies that I will develop. Getting to this stage required a plan. I truly do not know how long it will be until I really retire. It may be another 8-9 years. As long as I enjoy what I do, I will keep doing it. I can't see that point coming anytime soon, but I have a plan. It would be cool to build a deer feeder out back.
Oh – and run one more marathon.