Some say it can’t be done.  I say it just takes imagination.  While ordering a healthy meal can be difficult, here are some easy ways to accomplish it. 

Words to avoid.  Sadly, the more appetizing words are usually the ones you want to stay away from! 

Ask your waitress the right questions when ordering at a diner.

Creamy, cheesy, loaded, au gratin, smothered, hollandaise, fried, and crispy…now you may think I just took away everything on the menu, but I didn’t I promise.  Just read on for the good news!  You will see that half of these words seem to be cheese related.  That’s because they are.  If you can skip them, hats off to you.  But I grew up in Wisconsin, where cheese is its own food group, so I’ve learned how to balance it into my diet.  Ask if they have any cheeses that are low fat or 2%.  These are not only healthier, but more filling.  If you’re taking food to go, bring your own cheese.  If you have a fridge in your truck, keep a package of low-fat shredded cheese and add it yourself.  If not, just ask for it on the side and add only half of what they bring you.  Most anything can be put on the side and then you control how much to eat. 

Words to enjoy.  Okay, now memorize these words: lean, grilled, roasted, steamed, broth-based, vegetables, and fruits.  These words will lead you to the right choices.  Spice them up with sauces like mustard and ketchup.  Ask if they have any spices they can add, like rosemary, pepper, or garlic.  These will give the food more flavor, without adding a lot of salt.  Again, ask for toppings on the side and just dip your fork in them or sprinkle them on top with the goal of only using half of what they provide you.  It’s all about the little steps that will lead you in the right direction.  Broth-based soups with vegetables and meat are a great side to half entrĂ©e.  Choose a half sandwich that has turkey or chicken breast which are leaner meats, add a lot of vegetables and light mayo.  If you’re still hungry, have a piece of fruit and some water or iced tea.  

Ask the right questions.  This is key.  Don’t be afraid to ask.  It’s amazing what things you can find that aren’t on the menu.  Some things will be good surprises, others, not so much.  For instance, if a meal comes with fries and coleslaw, ask what vegetables they might have to substitute one, or both of those items.  Even a small fry can be 1/4 to 1/3 of your daily calorie intake.  Substituting a baked potato (unfortunately, not loaded) for the fries, can easily cut that in half.  Top the potato with salsa instead of the usual butter, sour cream, cheese, and bacon.  Steamed vegetables are always a good way to go too.  

Don’t forget to ask how things are being prepared too.  The description might say the words you’re looking for, like grilled or roasted, but then are prepared with lots of butter or oil.  Roasted chicken is sometimes prepared by rubbing butter under the skin.  I was recently surprised to learn that some restaurants use pancake batter in their scrambled egg whites to make them fluffy!  Little things like this can easily undermine what you are trying to do.  You might get some funny looks, not to mention funny answers, but when the scale starts going down, you’ll be the one laughing!

Most importantly, don’t try to change everything at once.  Pick one thing and work on it for seven to ten days.  Once you feel comfortable with it, change something else.  Don’t avoid your world, enjoy it!

Comments (18)

Carissa Berres

As a person who has lost 60 lbs...twice...I've learned a lot about the little things it takes to not only lose weight, but live a healthy balanced life. I enjoy staying active and after tackling a 100 mile bike ride that I completed in June 2012, I am currently training to do a Triathlon! I love learning more about food and exercise.

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LIVE Smart


I meant the third sentence-----sorry.

October 20, 2012 16:53:04 PM

The 2nd sentence really made me hungry!!

October 20, 2012 16:52:00 PM

A couple of the things I have done to lose more than 50 lbs. include giving up fried foods and staying away from cheese (most of the time). I also gave up soda (or pop) and introduced fruit instead of desserts. Be careful on the mustard and ketchup. Most condiments are made with high fructose corn syrup which you should always avoid. Baked potatoes are great as long as you don't "load them up". It is also recommended to stay away from processed foods such as cold cuts and packaged foods as much as possible.

September 12, 2012 9:06:16 AM

The only thing to watch out for on any of the frozen meals is the sodium. Some of them are really good for you in most ways, Lean Cuisine, some Healthy Choice, Smart Ones, but if sodium is something your doctor is having you watch, then these are not always your friends. Watch for the ones that are lower in Carbs and Fat and higher in Fiber and Protein.

August 17, 2012 11:19:02 AM

In addition to watching eating habits, i started using a step tracker called Fitbit. Which helps keep me focused on moving around through out the day. There are many devices out there too.

August 16, 2012 9:46:33 AM

Really great ideas for eating healthy at diners ... and restaurants!

August 16, 2012 9:28:58 AM

How are the "Healthy Choice" prepared meals from the grocery store. I have been trying these and find myself wondering if they are any better choice. They are convenient to pop in the microwave while I am waiting to load or unload. This really helps with managing the 14 hour clock we work within.

August 12, 2012 22:12:14 PM

The big problem I have found in a lot of the truck stops is that either the waitress and/or the cook doesn't have the time or desire to specialize your order. I can't begin to count how many times I've ordered "plain" wheat toast with my "plain" oatmeal or grits and find they have saturated it in butter. The same goes with the grilled chicken breast. By the time I get my chicken breast, it is covered in some sort of grease or butter from the grill and it is my policy that I NEVER send food back. I either will just eat it or refuse it and leave. I have had too many friends and family work in restaurants tell me horror stories of what happens to food that is sent back...ughh! Sends shivers into me livers!

August 10, 2012 8:27:21 AM

This is a area I need to work on. I normally don't like the foods which are the best for me. the baked potatoe with salsa sounds good though. Keep the tips up as I need help in this area of my life.

August 09, 2012 19:34:28 PM

This is a area I need to work on. I normally don't like the foods which are the best for me. the baked potatoe with salsa sounds good though. Keep the tips up as I need help in this area of my life.

August 09, 2012 19:34:22 PM

Great article! When eating out I always try to remember portion control (eat less) and also eat lots of fruit & vegetables (when possible)!

August 09, 2012 13:11:40 PM

Great article Carissa, information we can all use.

August 07, 2012 21:45:11 PM

Thanks Linda and everyone! The second time was not necessarily harder, just different. I had my first child in Aug 2011. I couldn't devote the same time to it, so learn all new tricks! As for ordering when tired, one of the most discussed reasons I hear about that work against people in their weight loss is emotional eating which includes when you're fatigued. Comfort foods tend to be fattier foods, but they don't have to be. One of these days, sit down and figure out some healthy alternatives. You can still have the meatloaf, but if it comes with a sauce, ask for that on the side or make sure it includes veggies. Just knowing what you want ahead of time makes it so you don't eat the first thing you see!

August 07, 2012 16:46:50 PM

Carissa, thank you for sharing this information - eating healthier definitely takes some encouragement and helpful reminders.

August 07, 2012 14:42:52 PM

It's getting tougher and tougher to try to eat good in most truckstop "sit-down" restaurants. Kudos to TA for their contributions to healthier eating, now if that way of thinking would spread to all the other restaurants.

August 07, 2012 12:14:29 PM

Carissa, outstanding article!

August 07, 2012 12:12:09 PM

I think you are right on with the "Most importantly" last point...changing a little at a time makes an overwhelming task manageable. Thank you for the encouragement!

August 07, 2012 10:34:17 AM

One day at a time and one meal at a time. One of the biggest problems I face is ordering when tired and turning to comfort food... Great Job on training for a Triathlon and losing 60 lbs twice! Was it harder to lose it the second time?

August 07, 2012 8:41:31 AM