This October 21-27 our Truckin’ Runner Facebook group will be hosting our 5th Annual Virtual 5k. All proceeds will once again be donated to the St. Christopher’s Fund. There is no cost to enter. T-shirts should be available to purchase. Direct donations to the St. Christopher’s Fund are encouraged. We invite you to check out our Facebook page for entry. We would love to have you become a group member, but that is not necessary.

The idea behind the virtual 5k was because it is not practical to try to get a large group of trucking industry people from all over the country together, we could do it virtually. So, basically all you have to do is record your 5k time and distance wherever you are and whenever you can during that week. I have a GPS watch and usually just take a picture of it with my phone and send it in. Others have used a treadmill. There are phone aps that others use. If only I was smart enough to use a smart phone ap. LOL.

My favorite thing is to run an actual 5k, at the same time as I am doing the virtual 5k. This October 27th I will be running the Spooky Sprint 5k while wearing a Truckin’ Runners shirt. Personally, I see multiple benefits of truckers getting out and joining local 5ks. It gives “regular” people a chance to see truckers doing “regular” things. Wearing a trucking related shirt often invites questions. It gives us a chance to inform the public about what we do for a living.

You don’t have to run. Walking is great exercise. It is an easy exercise for truckers to do. We strongly encourage walking. Face it. This industry can be hard on our health. My family has a history of heart disease. I have lost both of my brothers, my dad, and 3 of my grandparents to heart disease. Walking and running is my way of fighting back. Type 2 diabetes is way too common among professional drivers.

Truckin’ Runners is a support group for people in the trucking industry who want to exercise. We are mainly about walking and running, but believe that exercise is good. The more diverse your exercise routine the better. I am also an avid bicyclist and kayaker – and I tolerate lifting weights. It is all good.

Between all of us we have been just about everywhere. If there is a safe place near truck parking – we probably know where it is. One of our members, Danny George started a FB page specifically for the purpose of finding these trails.

We are cheerleaders for each other. We know that it is not easy to exercise on the road. We find a way. While we understand the challenges of exercising on the road – we also know that it is worth it.

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Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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I realize this comment is on the wrong post but your video about being home won't allow me to post a comment. Not that my opinion matters but I want to tell you that while I understand your reasons for leaving TRS I'm sorry to see you leave TRS. I've learned a great deal from you and have enjoyed your articles and videos. I'm glad that my wife and I had the opportunity to meet you a few years ago in Portland.

September 21, 2018 9:05:06 AM