Getting out and exercising in the cold weather takes a little extra motivation. Holiday lights can provide that extra motivation. Some drivers even decorate their trucks. But, to really see the lights park your truck and walk. So many truck stops are closer to towns than you realize.

Remember that if you are walking in the dark to be extra careful. Pay attention to objects that can cause you to trip or roll an ankle. I am a good one for rolling an ankle on the edge of a sidewalk as I enjoy the scenery.

Also remember that drivers may not be able to see you. Wear something reflective. That goes for when you are walking across a truck stop too. If it is the holiday season, it might be cold out too.

We live in Wisconsin and you can bet on it being COLD! Dress warm. Remember that breathing cold air makes you tire faster. Wear some type of a mask when it gets really cold. You won't tire quite as fast.

My hands get cold faster than anything else. When I run I use a pear of dri-fit gloves. Nothing beats a nice pair of mittens for a cold winter's walk. Whenever I might work up a bit of a sweat, I will wear wicking clothing. These will keep any perspiration away from your skin. Cold is bad. Cold and damp is horrible. It is rare to see me in anything other that a good pair of running shoes. On a winter walk, I will wear a warmer pair of dri-fit running socks. Keeping a brisk pace helps keep your feet warm.

Don't forget that a holiday lights walk makes a great date night activity. Take your significant other with you. When you're finished treat yourself to a nice bowl of soup. Without thinking about you just got in a great round of exercise. Then you followed it up with a healthy meal. Great-you can get this exercise thing done in cold weather. Sometimes it just takes a little extra motivation.

Comments (3)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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TRUE on both accounts. They are another distraction. There is a business just west of FT. Wayne on US 30 that I love going by.

December 12, 2013 4:22:36 AM

Remember to watch out as many people can get distracted while driving during the holiday season.

December 11, 2013 8:07:20 AM

As truck drivers we get see amazing displays all over the country. Many businesses really go over board and it is enjoyable to see. We also see trucks that are lit up going down the road or are inside truck stops with all of their Christmas Lights lit and that is really neat. My favorite is when people leave their lights on all night long so I can see them early morning as I know I miss out on a lot.

December 11, 2013 5:36:56 AM