Over the past several years, the benefits of the coconut plant have been given a lot of publicity. While some of the claims about coconut food products have been hype from its producers, in an effort to boost movement off of the store shelves, a lot of it has roots in the genuine fact that it can be a very healthy alternative in many people’s diets. Upon trying it out in several of my food and drink options, I decided to look into it a little further and was very pleased what I uncovered after diving into the story behind this delicious new addition to my daily diet.
It all started for me when looking for an alternative to sugary sports drinks and sodas I would typically consume. Being from a diabetic-prone bloodline and not wanting to go down that road myself, I am always conscious in the back of my mind as to the amount of sugars I consume. Being that I have a horrible “sweet tooth” for sweets such as chocolates and sodas, it makes it all the more important for me to monitor how much of these things I consume. As I was walking down the aisle at my favorite warehouse store (while tasting a “Sample Saturday” item nonetheless), I decided to pick up a case of coconut water to replace my lunchtime drink
that I carry in the truck. Typically I would pick up an electrolyte-loaded, sugary sports drink, which could have over 50 grams of sugar per 12-ounce bottle and many other ingredients that are difficult to pronounce! This type of drink was my typical option as an effort to replace some of the nutrients I lose throughout the day through perspiration in our hotter than average heat this summer. This particular brand of coconut water seemed to be a great replacement because it was available by the case at a decent price and contained, per 11.1-ounce serving, only 60 calories and 15 grams of sugar. In addition to that, it also contained significant amounts of Potassium, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorous.
Being a great tasting, healthier alternative that I have successfully incorporated into my routine, I decided to look into some other benefits of the coconut plant. One other growing use of the coconut plant is the actual coconut oil extracted by pressing the meat of the coconut. This oil, that is mild in actual coconut flavor, is actually becoming a popular substitute for butter and oils in many forms of cooking and baking. The high smoke-point and low coconut taste of refined coconut oil make it a perfect choice for many applications within the kitchen. Though high in saturated fats, these fats are medium-chain triglycerides, which are used in the production of energy by the body. This type of fat in the body can even help in boosting metabolism in some cases! I also was able to find many other uses with a little research as well, such as topical applications for the skin and even as a healthy boost for your hair. Coconut butter is becoming more popular as an edible option and likewise is becoming more widely available commercially to buy. Made to contain both the flesh and the water of the whole coconut, it has a more “buttery” appearance than that of the coconut oil. With its lower melting point, it can be mildly heated and added to many baking recipes with ease.
Although many exaggerated claims during its rise to popularity have been debunked, like being a “super-electrolyte drink” or “ultimate hangover cure”, the benefits of the coconut plant are still plentiful. I am a believer that there is no such thing as a “miracle food”, but rather choose to believe my healthy diet is a result of many little healthy choices that come together with my moderated unhealthy choices to form a good mix. The substituting of this great alternative in the form of coconut food products makes it so that I do not have to sacrifice the sweet and rich tastes my body has come to crave over the years. Every healthy choice I make in this manner allows me to not only feel better in my daily life, but also allows me to hopefully live a longer life and avoid the health risks that I am genetically predestined for. Feel free to chime in and share any of your interesting uses for the coconut plant below in the “comments” section!