As you sit there and skim this blog post from your phone, phablet, tablet, laptop, or desktop, you are participating in the Team Run Smart trucking community.  Did you know you can easily be rewarded for your participation?  Team Run Smart is a place for trucking professionals to not only learn valuable tips from the trucking industry, but also a place for members to share their own experience and expertise within the community as well.  Whether you are posting in the forum threads or commenting on a blog from one of the Team Run Smart Pros or coaches, you should make sure you are signed up to take full advantage of the gear you could be earning for doing so!

That’s right, we value your participation and membership in this community and want to make sure you know that you can be rewarded for it!  Earning stuff is as easy as setting up your membership properly and sharing your thoughts, opinions, and comments.  Let’s face it, truckers like to tell stories of their past experiences, which I am guilty of as well.  Why not do so with other truckers and earn “miles” towards your free gear.  If you happen to like a blog, click the star rating system to rate it and earn points.  Think you can elaborate on a topic being brought to light in a blog?  Share your thoughts on the matter and watch the “swag” roll in. 


So if you’ve already had some of this free gear shipped to you, you know just how cool this recently released program is for Team Run Smart and its members!  If you haven’t jumped onboard the “swagin’ wagon” yet, what are you waiting for?  If you are killing some time at a shipper or receiver by checking out the latest topics on Team Run Smart, why not earn some stuff for your time while doing it!  Share, participate, rate, and earn while you learn!  Watch just how fast those miles rack on up on your profile page odometer!

Comments (5)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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James, no harm in not noticing because it's never too late to start racking up miles. You'll be surprised how fast they can add up. Be sure to finish your profile and sign up for text alerts to get a good "boost" in miles from the get-go!

September 26, 2014 14:41:42 PM

Just like a truck, there's no taking miles off the The prizes are awarded as you reach each milestone bracket and keep accruing without being deducted.

September 26, 2014 14:39:23 PM

So if you use your points on gear, are those point subtracted?

September 26, 2014 14:15:56 PM

The points also add up quickly when an article is shared. Great reminder Jimmy

September 25, 2014 15:12:18 PM

Thanks for the article. I always read the articles and never paid attention to the points. Duh!!!!

September 25, 2014 14:32:32 PM