Is IT Over?


At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 an agreement was signed to end the war to end all wars. The assassination of Archduke in 1914 was the catalyst that ignited increasing tensions in Europe. The sinking of the Lusitania, with 126 Americans aboard, brought the U.S. to the brink of entering the war in 1915. The war was a stalemate. In 1917, we entered the war, and ended the stalemate. By the time the war ended 16 million people had died as a result. 34 of them were from the tiny county of Kewaunee, Wisconsin.


Last Tuesday we had an election. It was not the election to end all elections. It was an election 6 years into a lame duck presidency. We'll hold another election in 2 years. Only 22% of those eligible to vote actually did. I know that I voted. It is a right and a privilege. It is also a responsibility. I don't take pride in the fact that I voted. I think of it as my duty. It was not that hard. It took a some effort to become informed on the candidates. There was one referendum on my ballot. The referendum was designed to keep road use taxes from being spent in the general fund. You would think that truck drivers would be interested in that. In the end I spent about 2 hours doing my election research.


When it came time to vote, I had to contact my town clerk and set up a time. It is a 12 mile drive to the clerk's house. I spent more time greeting his big old friendly dog than I did voting. I like seeing the dog and I hope he is still here next election. I don't expect a pat on the back for doing my job as a trucker. I don't expect a pat on the back for doing my job as a citizen either.


The election is over. Voting differently, than me does not make either one of us stupid, or immoral. It is time for the winners to stop gloating. It is time for the losers to stop whining. Talk to each other and find common ground. We may not be that far apart. Seek information, not affirmation from your news sources. Don't just hang around people that you agree with. It is time to stay active. We have work to do. On the day after the election I emailed my congressman and congratulated him. In the email I also reminded him about trucking issues and invited him to go for a ride.


Today many restaurants, including TA/Petro will be offering free meals to veterans. That is a good thing. As a country we owe more than that. Wounds suffered in wars both physical and mental need to be treated. That is our debt to them. The words homeless and vets should never go together. We should honor the dead. We need to pay our debt to the living. It can't be over for us until it is over for them.

Comments (2)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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Thanks, Craig. I look at voting as a privilege. These days the hardest thing for me was trying to find useful info on the candidates. We had a very close gubernatorial election with a controversial governor. I thought that might raise turnout.

November 11, 2014 17:45:11 PM

Very nice article Jeff and I hear what you are saying. In the last several elections here in Oregon the average turnout percent was in the 20's as you experienced. This election was different and we saw a turnout percent in the 70's because we had a couple ballot measures that were of very high interest to the young crowd that brought them out but I bet our turnout will drop on the next election. It's sad that apathy is so rampant in society today yet everyone complains and wonders why the U.S. is in the condition it's in. I too voted and some of the measures went my way and some didn't, but that's the way a democratic society works. At least I did my duty as an American citizen and I'm grateful for that opportunity.

November 11, 2014 9:07:20 AM