20 Pounds


It has been over 2 months now since I started my program. It has led to a weight loss of more than 20 pounds. That is about half way to my goal. I have started to feel some of the benefits of losing 20 pounds.


First off, it is not just my change in eating habits that has helped. I have also been able to increase my walking. I try to walk at least an hour everyday. Ideally it would be a 1 hour walk. Exercise periods of at least 45 minutes are ideal for weight loss. It has something to do with your metabolic system and I will admit that I do not fully understand the calculus of exercise physiology. I don't understand how all of this science of the technology of these new trucks either. What we do want to know is understand why it works. Your metabolism increases as you exercise and the weight loss mechanisms reach their peak at about 45 minutes. You are burning more calories in the 46th minute of exercise than in the 20th minute of exercise. The metabolic rate will also remain higher longer safer you stop exercising. That means more weight loss.


The trucking lifestyle does not always allow us the time to get in and hour of continuous exercise. Make the best of the situation that you have. If you have time to get in a ten minute walk, walk for 10 minutes. It helps. Many exercise physiologist will tell you that 20 minutes is also an important marker to hit. It has to do again with the the science of your metabolism. Do what you can. All exercise is good. 45-60 minutes of exercise continuously allows for maximum weight loss benefits. All exercise helps.


As weight comes off my blood pressure improves. I have been on blood pressure medications for over 25 years. There is a genetic disposition to heart disease in my family. There has always bee a correlation between my weight and my blood pressure. Losing weight does not mean that I can go off of my medication, but it does mean that I can remain with a simple (cheap) generic water pill and not take more expensive medications.


Taking off those twenty pounds helps your joints too. There is a geometric increase on them with weight loss. I have been able to start to mix running in with my walking. I think that you should never start doing any running until you can walk at least 30 minutes at a brisk pace and then you can mix in a little running. Running is harder on your joints than walking, but does not have to damage them. Losing the 20 pounds while strengthening your leg muscles helps prevent injury. They work in tandem.


Success begets success. Get started with some easy goals. Remember that weight loss is not always smooth. There have been weeks when I have lost 6 pounds. The following week I gained a pound. Follow the process. Eat properly and exercise more. The more that you do that the more benefits you receive. This weekend was busy and I did not have time to do laundry. I picked out an old pair of jeans that I had worn in about 6 months and they fit. Who knew that losing weight could save on laundry?


Comments (3)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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So proud of you, Jeff! And you're so right - weight loss helps with many other aspects of life. Congrats, and keep up the great work!

November 24, 2014 12:32:05 PM

Thanks Linda - the initial surge was great, the weekly weight loss has definitely slowed down-but at least I am still heading in the right direction.

November 21, 2014 6:02:25 AM

Great job Jeff!

November 21, 2014 5:46:19 AM