We will not be home for Thanksgiving and while this is a negative as usual we turned it into a positive. We have friends who delivered their load near us and we all will be heading for the Petro Truck Stop in Las Vegas for a Thanksgiving Buffet Feast. While some might wrinkle their nose about going to a truck stop for Thanksgiving I believe most would be pleasantly surprised.
TA/Petro for many years has gone above and beyond on Christmas and Thanksgiving to prepare a fantastic meal that would outdo many home cooked meals. The restaurants are filled to capacity most of the day with not only truck drivers but also the local area residents. There is not doubt we will have a great Thanksgiving dinner that will be shared with friends.
Our holiday fun will not stop with fantastic meals as we all have tickets to go see a Cirque Du Soleil show in the evening. We will be seeing Beatles Love, as this is one that none of us have seen. Does the holiday weekend stop here? NOPE
We all will next head down to Indio, CA to see more driver friends and go out for a fantastic Sushi dinner with an evening of fun. All of us have hauled the same type of freight, have been to many of the same customers, and enjoy each other’s company. While our time will not be spent with our immediate family it will be spent with our trucking families.
The holiday weekend will finish up with us getting a restart before we all go our respective ways to pick up our next load. There is a lot to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!