Here's something to think about on this day of thanks, don't think of it as just another day of no work and closed banks.
Everything you eat, drink and wear was brought on a truck, it didn't magically appear just by fortune or luck.
Undoubtedly someone from behind the wheel, labored to bring you your feast and "Black Friday" deals.
As you finish the turkey and split the wishbone, remember that driver out there that might not get home.
As they worked hard to bring you all that you need, they may have run out of hours or not quite had the speed.
They won't spend the day eating turkey, gravy or stuffing. Some places they park might have pretty close to nothing.
This life of a driver is hard, yes that's true, but it's all in a days work to bring everything to you.
So as you get ready to eat please give this little something a try...Give thanks for the truckers who brought everything today, right down to the pumpkin pie!