I love to learn new things.  I attended college later in life and graduated at age 39, not because I needed a degree for my occupation, but I was hungry for knowledge.  If the military didn't pay for my degree, I doubt I would have been able to get one. But you don't have to attend college to access higher learning anymore.  I've learned more in the last 18 months than I did all through college. 

How did I do it? 

  • I attribute it to listening to podcasts and audiobooks while driving.  I connect my phone (which has the content) into the truck radio.  I also like to listen while I'm walking for exercise with a set of headphones.
  • I also watch educational videos on Youtube.  I watch a lot of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks which are short educational talks no more than about 17 minutes and cover topics in the aforementioned categories.  The audio versions are also available on podcast.

The universities don't have the higher education market cornered anymore.  There are thousands of lectures and white papers available for free on the internet.  If you want to learn something, there aren't many excuses for not making it happen.  For the more advanced technical skills that you may want to learn, try Lynda.com.  It is a web resource where you pay to have access to thousands of video courses that tackle more complicated business skills.

As you start each week, don't just look forward to the weekends; that's wishing your life away.  Look forward to each new day and that begins by using time wisely and improving yourself through obtaining knowledge.  There's a famous quote from an unknown author that I like to contemplate often.  "What you do today is important because you're exchanging a day of your life for it."

Comments (6)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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Awesome Tyrone! That's great to hear!👍🏼

May 06, 2015 20:44:42 PM

Obtaining my bachelor degree! In business administration! It's never to late for anything if you're blessed to awaken like you did today! 👀👍

May 06, 2015 19:31:53 PM

Hey Donna! Thanks for the reply and the tip on the website. I checked it out and it looks very interesting. There's almost no reason for ignorance anymore.

May 04, 2015 18:04:47 PM

Joey - I love your topic today. I myself didn't graduate from high school until I was 30 and was 36 when I got my first degree 56 when Imgot my second.
My little addition to your article is a program that I have enjoyed FREE college classes from all the major colleges and universities in the world.
I always made audio files of the on lectures for study back and forth to work.

May 04, 2015 16:01:04 PM

Linda, I'm glad to hear you and Bob are of the same mind when it comes to spending our time wisely and learning as we drive.

May 04, 2015 6:58:42 AM

We have the perfect job! I have always been an avid reader and now while driving I can listen to audio books, I can have my iPad with me loaded with books everywhere I go, and I also have my phone to listen and learn with. My Motto is "So many books so little time"

May 04, 2015 5:07:51 AM