For a lot of drivers, leaving for work means also means leaving families and loved ones at home for a long period of time.  This can put strain on even the healthiest relationships.  It’s important to find ways to keep your relationships strong while you’re away and to work as a team, so that you can rest assured you’re returning to happiness and comfort after a long trip.
Here are some great ways to keep your relationships healthy while you’re out on the road.
Always communicate

Whether it’s just a quick phone call, text, or email – stay in contact whenever you can. This doesn’t mean a constant overload (you still have a job to do, after all), but just touching base to tell someone you’re thinking about them, or how you’re feeling at the moment can really go a long way.  Carving out time can be difficult at first, but having an open line of communication can really build strength and trust.

Keeping Relationships Strong
Work as a team

Your partner and family know you have a hard job to do. But it’s important to remember that they are holding down the fort while you’re away too. Talk to each other and figure out solutions to problems together. You may not be there physically, but being on the other end of the line to lend a helping hand or verbal support will show that you’re still there for them.
Make routines special

Do you always tell your kids a story before they go to bed? Do you always try to be home for your partner’s birthday? It’s important to keep these routines, and make the extra effort to make them special. Tell your kid’s bedtime story over speakerphone, or via Facetime or Skype. If you have to be away on work this year, don’t just call on your partner’s birthday. Make it special by sending a card and some flowers, or a gift from your travels. Going the extra mile to be thoughtful will make your bonds stronger.
Keep a schedule

If you have trouble remembering birthdays, anniversaries, or even just to call, set up a schedule. You can easily create a Google Calendar to share with your spouse – they can add dates for you to remember, and you can follow-up accordingly.  If you have trouble calling, set up days to keep a routine.  For example, designate Tuesdays and Thursdays as the days of the week you know to touch base and check-in with your family.
Keeping a strong relationship with your family or spouse doesn’t have to take a lot of extra work. If both parties make the effort to keep in contact and follow these steps, having a long-lasting and healthy bond with each other will become second nature.

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Comments (4)

Beth Bogdewiecz

Beth started at ATBS in December of 2013. She graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2003, then relocated soon after to Denver, Colorado. She has previously worked in social media, design, and marketing & advertising at Denver's famous Comedy Works comedy club, as well as at Modern in Denver Magazine. When not at work, Beth enjoys everything outdoors - hiking, camping, snowboarding, and biking. She also loves to cook and create unique recipes to share with her family and friends.

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LIVE Smart

Merry Christmas

December 23, 2013


Those are all great points, guys! I am glad that technology can help keep us connected with the rest of the world. Remember when we had to call from a land line or a pay phone? Seems like ancient history!

October 08, 2014 8:27:10 AM

Always hard but much easier with cell phones, computers, Skype and such. Always call daily. Have date nite when you are home. Limit shop talk with other drivers when you are home. Being in the military I have seen a lot of changes in being able to stay connected. I remember having to wait weeks for hand written letters.

October 06, 2014 17:23:17 PM

Unfortunately leaving home is still difficult but one must forge ahead. That's my motto.

October 05, 2014 18:46:50 PM

We try to keep as regular a schedule as possible. We talk at least 3 times per day when I am on the road. I call home before Rox goes to school, after she gets home from school, and once in the evening. Then when I am home we always go on a date.

October 04, 2014 3:44:18 AM