Anne Ferro with Bob and Linda Caffee at the Citizen's Driver Award Ceremony in Las Vegas.

A recent article about FMCSA Administrator, Anne Ferro, prompted numerous responses, but they weren’t all about the issue itself.  Instead, the topic turned to gender and how the reader felt that Ms. Ferro was not qualified to head the administration because she is a woman.
I checked my calendar and it IS 2014, isn’t it?  Can’t we get beyond the issue of gender?  Apparently, we’re not there yet.  Mr. Smith (obviously a pseudo name) claims “women getting into politics and other issues … are guiding us down, down, down.”
When a female posted a response, Mr. Smith responded with an attack, “Another dumb statement from a female trying to protect females.” This was met with agreement from another (male) commenter who responded with, “typical feminist overstatement.  Any criticism of a woman is evil and any criticism of a man is warranted.”
While I agree that anonymous remarks on a website have no credibility, they do reinforce the need for Women In Trucking Association to continue our mission to encourage and support the women in this industry. I would like to acknowledge that gender does not create a bias in our work place anymore; however, we’re not there yet.
I have a voice message on my phone that I keep to remind me that there are still many men who feel that women have no place in the trucking industry.  While these guys are a very small minority, they are often very vocal about their opinions.  The caller was very upset to discover that there is an organization that exists to increase the presence of women in the trucking industry.
“I don’t know why you have this d*mn Women In Trucking crap. I’ve never met more ruder people,” the caller claimed.  He continued, “I don’t know what kind of organization, or what kind of cr*p this is, but if’s a place for uncaring, rude a** women drivers to get together to have fun, I hope you all enjoy yourselves.”
This driver was angry and it was apparent in his message that he felt ALL women were rude.  No, we’re not there yet.   
An email from another (male) driver claimed that, “women are playing where men are trying to make a living.” Does he really believe that the women in this industry aren’t here for work related reasons?
Ask most female drivers how their peers treat them and many of them will tell you that they have heard the comment, “you should be at home, barefoot and pregnant.”  Really? I can appreciate the fact that many of these men feel threatened by strong, capable women, but to make that statement out loud is disheartening.
Drivers at trade shows who encourage us and support our efforts often approach us.  Most of these men WANT more women in the industry and feel that their female peers are capable and often tell me they do a better job then men.  Thank you, guys, for your positive attitude.
I got a little insight into the reason some drivers have an issue with women behind the wheel.  A male revealed his concern that as a macho guy who could maneuver 80,000 pounds behind a big engine, his ego was deflated whenever he saw a woman doing the same thing.  Really?
To those few, vocal, angry male drivers who want women to disappear, we wish you the best and ask that you keep your comments to yourself.  Stay off the CB and ask your sister or mom to look at your postings on websites before you make them public. 
Let’s take the issue of gender out of the debate so we can move forward and increase the visibility and the presence of women in the trucking industry.  We are working hard to attract more women to our workforce, but it’s still a very male dominated environment. We’re not there yet

Comments (11)

Ellen Voie

Ellen Voie founded the Women In Trucking Association in March of 2007, and currently serves as the nonprofit organization's President/CEO. Women In Trucking was formed to promote the employment of women in the trucking industry, remove obstacles that might keep them from succeeding, and to celebrate the successes of its members.

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Unbelievable. One thing I did notice is that the negative comments you reiterated in your article, as well as one here, are fraught with grammar errors. Is there a correlation here?

January 05, 2015 6:50:54 AM

I was surprised by some of the first comments and how they missed the whole point of your article, Ellen. I believe Craig and tomthetruckerman got it. Respect for others is crucial. Perhaps people differ on who should do which jobs but each person deserves to be treated with and spoken about with respect-even bureaucrats. On the other hand, women and men, we need to all carry ourselves so that people treat us in a dignified manner. Dress reasonably well, speak reasonably well, behave reasonably well, and do your work excellently. That may help us to "get there."

November 07, 2014 12:50:37 PM

It doesn't matter what gender some one is. What matters is whether that individual is capable of doing the job. I've seen too many guys driving that shouldn't be, and I've seen women driving like it's the most natural thing in the world. As far as the FMCSA goes, I've no problem with a woman heading it as long as she's qualified. Miss Ferro apparently isn't.

July 04, 2014 8:14:22 AM

Anne Ferro must go.
because she is a criminal that broke the law,
& because she treat truckers like serial killers.
{anyone else notice how she did not came out publicly against that ad?}
because under her watch we see an ever increase burden or regulatory, while at the same time since 2009 we see an increase of truck accident of 18%
{anyone else makes the connection?}
if you wish to let her go because she is a women, i will not hold you back- but Anne Ferro must go.
Anne Ferro give's a very bad image to women's in our industry.
under her watch our industry priority changed from safety to compliance.
drivers training, increase in minimum insurance coverage, CSA inability to recognized unsafe operations, HHG website, cross border pilot program, to name just a few.
this is the most anti trucking leader ever to take a bureaucrat position in our industry.
how come she did not stood her post against CARB regulations that took the very best experienced SAFE drivers out of our industry?
how come she did not hold ground against drivers fitness regulatory- aimed at taking the most experienced SAFE drivers off the road?
the list is never ending...
but she go to all of those truck shows & take a lot of photo shops with members of TRS, so let's keep her, you know, just because she is a women.
i'm sorry, but Anne Ferro overstayed her invitation

June 30, 2014 19:02:47 PM

Perhaps now may be the time for the ATA Staff to take Ms. Anne Ferro, the current FMCSA Administrator, in tow and present some first hand deck plate ed-u-mikation. Quit complaining and assert positive well managed info, may help out in the long run.

June 29, 2014 12:01:34 PM

I have no problem with female drivers.Its the guys that are insecure that talk trash.I say the more women the better.

June 28, 2014 20:34:38 PM

Great Big High Five to Wolverine Truck Group! Thank you for the post and sharing that information.

June 27, 2014 8:20:32 AM

I am proud to say that our dealerships have done an amazing job "getting there". Our dealer group is owned by a strong, capable woman and she employs intelligent women in every department. Women at our dealership are controlling parts inventory, performing service write ups, specing trucks, delivering parts, managing warranty and supervising essential accounting functions. It's an exciting time to be a woman in the trucking industry and the women of Wolverine Truck Group are proud to be a part of "getting us there".

June 27, 2014 7:49:50 AM

We are not there yet but we are making progress!

June 26, 2014 15:35:08 PM

Ellen thanks for your article Like Craig let me apologize for the neanderthals. One advantage I have seen with the addition of Women to driving is the improving of truck stops. Many of the facilities are being upgraded and many are making menu changes or upgrades to appeal to the female driver. Many of this amenities can be appreciated by all. As long as the person can do the job gender should not matter. What matters is can they do the same job in a professional manner. If they can then they should be welcome with open arms regardless of gender.

June 26, 2014 13:47:11 PM

Wow! Ellen, I don't even know what to say, except that on behalf of the male gender, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you have those messages and I'm sorry there are people out there like that. Those individuals probably won't stop to think of the massive contributions women have made in their lives and that's sad. Male or female, it doesn't matter because we are all in this ride of life together. Hopefully someday we will get there. Thank you Ellen.

June 26, 2014 8:17:06 AM