Below are some of my favorite quotes by Henry Ford:
Half full or half empty,,, its your choice . |
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.”
“Don’t find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain”
“You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.”
Is your glass half empty or half full? Answering this question can help you view your outlook on life. This can be an eye opener on how you see the world, relationships, others around you and attitudes about yourself. These views and attitudes can be put under two different terms. For example: a negative attitude is pessimistic. A person with a positive outlook is an optimist.
Positive thinking can offer health benefits:
Increased life span
Less depressed
Greater resistance to the common cold
Better mental and physical health
Better coping skills during times of stress and hardships
Positive thinkers who have an optimistic outlook on life tend to have better coping skills when under stressful situations. These people also tend to live healthier lives by following healthy diets, exercise more frequently and don’t smoke or consume alcohol in excess. In general a person with a positive attitude is happy, healthy and expects success in whatever they do.
Positive thinking is an attitude where a person focuses on the bright side of life and expects a positive outcome. It’s not that these people never experience difficulties, sadness or unhappiness in their lives. However, they have adopted a mental attitude to focus on the positive. If you want a positive attitude, you need to replace those negative thoughts that creep into our minds daily such as: doubt, anger, lack of confidence, fear, resentment, and jealousy. We should replace these thoughts with positive ones instead. Such as: “I can”, “It is possible”, “I am able”, “It can be done”, etc… Each time something negative enters your mind, try replacing it with a positive phrase. In other words…talk yourself out of those negative thoughts.
When adopting a positive attitude, we should dismiss negative words from others around us and force ourselves to think only positive thoughts. Other people’s attitudes are contagious… be aware of this. Don’t let someone bring you down because they are having a bad day. This is difficult as we affect others by our presence, words and body language and they can have an effect on us as well.
It’s important to surround and associate yourself with positive people in your life. Read inspirational articles and stories. Watch movies that make you feel happy. Exercise will also promote a positive attitude. Due to the fact that we have an effect on others around us… we should all do our part to promote a positive attitude toward others. Smiles, compliments and kind words are contagious. You just might brighten someone’s day by your positive attitude.