Having health insurance generally helps keep medical visits and prescription costs down, especially this time of year when influenza is making its last push for the season. This being said, you can imagine my surprise when I went to pick up some prescribed flu medications and had copays due of nearly $270 on three items! It was even a shock to the person checking me out at the pharmacy register, who questioned if that was the price after my insurance. It was at the moment I was getting ready to walk away after paying, slightly dazed and dumbfounded, that the pharmacist pulled me aside to lend me a tip. She simply wrote www.goodrx.com on one of the bags and said to come back within seven days for a price adjustment if I found my prescriptions. Slightly perplexed, I headed home to get the flu meds to my sickie who was waiting on them.

As my wife sorted and administered the medications according to their instructions, I sat down and typed the web address into my search bar, which brought up a yellow and white site with its own search bar, where I could enter any prescription’s proper name and click “FIND THE LOWEST PRICE”. I gave it a whirl with the most expensive of my three prescriptions, which carried with it a nearly $200 copay, as a generic for Tamiflu. In a fraction of a second I was shocked to see a list of major pharmacies that offered legitimate coupons for that exact dosage and strength of prescription. I did the search again with another of my prescriptions and found a lower coupon from my pharmacy for it as well. Since things like this are usually too good to be true, I printed the coupons out immediately and went back to the CVS store to see how true this could be. Sure enough, I was able to drop my total copay for that round of prescriptions from the original nearly $270 down to $140!

Upon confirming the legitimacy of this website, I immediately downloaded the app and now I can save the offers to my phone and just show them to the pharmacist, or even send them to the pharmacy counter directly from the app! I immediately thought, “Wow, this is something drivers can use anywhere and everywhere to get a great deal on costly prescription drugs!” Not only that, but it also requires no membership card or buy-in to some other costly scheme! Spread the word today by sharing this article and be sure to use GoodRx the next time you have to fill a prescription to help ensure you’re getting the lowest price possible!