Next weekend, I will be attending the Mid-West Truck and Trailer Show, which takes place on February 2nd & 3rd, 2024 in Peoria, Illinois. The show has been held each year since 1962. I have attended the show for over a decade and a half in Peoria, and Mother Nature has thrown every kind of winter weather at us. This year, we should be in the 50s, so I'm looking forward to a break in the single-digit weather we normally get!
The event brings exhibitors and organizations looking to showcase a variety of high-quality and innovative technology together, which attracts potential buyers and attendees of the show. The show offers a particular focus on trucks, trailers, parts, and truck accessories. You will also find a vast array of products from various automotive segments, media, and advertising.
I will have my 2022 Freightliner Cascadia, Celeste, on hand for you to take an up-close look at. This is always a great event! We look forward to seeing you in Peoria, IL at the Mid-West Truck & Trailer Show.