I am writing this blog on December 26, 2015 just one day after Christmas. Our family celebrated the holiday season with family and friends. I hope each of you had a very Merry Christmas. During this time of year my thoughts always turn to those folks who for whatever reason will spend the season away from home. I guess it’s because of the nature of the trucking business in which we work. Our job is to serve by transporting goods and various products that people require each day. There are many other service jobs/careers that require individuals to work on Christmas day. Some of those positions are medical, fire, police, restaurant, service stations, hotels and of course we cannot forget to remember our brave service members of the military who sacrifice for us each day. Many are sick or ill and cannot be physically at home during the holidays. After a long year of hard work, it’s great to take time out to celebrate but it’s also important to remember those who make these and many other sacrifices for us.

After returning from Laredo, TX, I arrived home for Christmas on Wednesday, December 22, 2015. The weather here in the Carolinas feels more like Florida. The temperatures are in the 70’s and we actually had to turn on the air conditioning in our home this week. It’s difficult to think of snow, ice skating, sledding and that crisp chill in the air that usually accompanies Christmas time. However, we are enjoying the mild temperatures while they last as winter weather will arrive soon I’m sure.
During the holiday, I received a large envelope from Pennsylvania filled with homemade Christmas cards and a letter from my Second Grade Trucker Buddy Class. Each child spent time detailing their card and making them unique. This year’s class has enjoyed communicating with me about trucking and learning about my job on the road. I have kept them informed about the places I’ve been and various events that have taken place in relation my career. The kids enjoy sharing with me about what they are learning and the interesting
activities they enjoy in school. We have fun corresponding with each other throughout the school year. This spring, I am planning on dropping by for a visit to the class to meet the students and have some fun answering their questions and talking about my trucking career. They always enjoy getting an up close look at my truck and trailer.
Being a part of the Trucker Buddy program is a rewarding experience for me and many others who are a member of this organization. I feel as though I have received a lot from the class and it’s always a pleasure to see the children asking questions and wanting to learn about our industry. For those who would like to learn more about the Trucker Buddy organization and how to join, please visit the following link: http://www.truckerbuddy.org