

How many of us don't speak, then complain because our voices are not being heard?  People make comments on articles by Overdrive, Land Line, and other magazines. We debate with each other. It seems as if we have this great group think mentality. Readers make comments to each other. They comment to people who agree with them. Then they don't comment to the decision makers. It seems as if they would rather complain on face book than actually make a difference.


Make a difference. Contact your representatives. Write to the FMCSA and MCSAC. For now, I will concentrate on writing to the FMCSA. Writing to MCSAC is almost exactly the same. It is easy. Go to and follow the instructions. The site will guide you to comment on the issue that you want to comment on. If you like the Collins Amendment, tell the FMCSA. You want or don't want a 30 minute break, tell the FMCSA. Going back and forth on face book can be entertaining. Sometimes it is mind numbing. It is also not reaching the decision makers.


Check out the website. They have an outstanding instruction guide on making comments at read it. Make your argument more intelligent than emotional. It is a good idea to write it out beforehand. Read it back to yourself. Have someone else read it. Repeat as necessary. You don't think that the genius of my blogs just comes out and what you are seeing is a first draft – do you? Please say no. I write it. Read it. Change it. Let it sit for awhile. Read it. Change it. Then my editor (wife) reads it. She spots grammatical errors. I change it. We edit it, as often as it takes. She is familiar with the trucking industry because she is married to a trucker. She does not know as much about the industry as I do. I don't know as much about her job either. I try to write my blogs so that she understands the issue. Remember the decision makers have unfortunately never driven a truck.


The OOIDA website is informative. Read the information and get educated. Remember that OOIDA is about advocacy and accuracy. There is nothing wrong with that. You don't have to agree with them. It is smart to learn from them. Decide for yourself. While you're there, consider joining OOIDA.


Pretend that you're writing to your grandmother. Do not get offensive. Pretend that she is a retired English teacher. Don't use slang. Structure your sentences. The shorter the sentence, the easier it reads. Clearly state your position. Use real life examples that have happened to you. Cite reliable statistics that support your position.

Let your voice be heard. Make comments to the decision makers. Make your opinions matter. Voting is a responsibility. Let them know that you take that responsibility seriously and that you vote. Let them know that you are contacting your congressional representatives as well. You have the right to be heard. Use it.

Comments (4)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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Always be respectful. Congressmen and women hold listening sessions, sometimes they get small crowds and you get their ear.

December 11, 2014 11:24:13 AM

You can also visit with your congressman or senator . Senators are hard to meet with however I have found congressmen fairly easy to arrange a meeting with them in person . This is also possible when they are home visiting their district and many times you can catch them at a local fair or political event . I have found them to be anxious to hear what we have to communicate in regards to our industry . Remember be respectful in your conversation if you want to be taken seriously .

December 11, 2014 10:56:23 AM

Thank you Les - We can get great info from a lot of places. I encourage commenters to go to the truth about trucking site and read the guide before they make those comments - make it matter.

December 11, 2014 5:52:53 AM

Great Post Here Jeff. So many times people complain and never get their complaint to the right people. Brining awareness here is gratifying. If you have time to post in FB or any other social media-- You have the time to post to a Gov. Website as well. Thanks for the post.

December 11, 2014 5:26:00 AM