Lee McCubbins wasn't a close friend, but a friend nevertheless. I first met him in 7th grade as I lined up in front of him on the football field.  He was the center and I was the nose guard of arch rivals so we got to know each other very well.  Then the next year, we joined forces and played on the same team in junior high school and became pretty good friends. 

Later in life, we would cross paths again as he started going to my church.  He had studied animal science at Virginia Tech, but somehow ended up in law enforcement, a field that I tried to enter before trucking, but it wasn't meant to be.  He served the citizens of Danville, VA for 15 years as a police officer before deciding to contribute to our nation's global war on terrrorism.  A man with Lee's skills in SWAT and K9 were in high demand overseas and he found work as a K9 handler with a security company contracted by the U.S. State Dept.  He worked in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan; not places that a travel agent would ever try to send you.

Here is Lee's last Facebook post on Christmas Eve.  I removed a reference to a family member out of respect during this trying time.

Almost Christmas here....want to take a moment and wish all the guys on the ground here at Kajaki and my family a Merry Christmas!! To the guys on leave enjoy your families my friends!! Merry Christmas to my friends wearing Blue and Brown, stay safe!!!!  21 days!!!!!

On Christmas Day, Lee phoned his family to wish them a Merry Christmas according to the interview found here.  A few hours later, Lee was shot in the back by an Afghan sniper while out jogging with his dog. The fact that it was Christmas Day really adds to the sadness of the story.

There are many civilians overseas helping our military to acccomplish the mission.  Many of them have died and we hear very little about it.  I wanted to make sure Lee's story was heard and I knew the readers of this blog would appreciate his service to his country and remember the family that he left behind. 

Comments (7)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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Rip Lee.... thank you for your service to our country & your ultimate sacrifice.

January 05, 2014 14:37:14 PM

I too am very sorry to hear about Lee's passing and my prayers go to his family. I believe we don't hear about heroes such as Lee because the news agencies don't feel the ratings will follow these stories. As you mentioned Joey, there are a lot of civilians serving along side the uniformed service men and women in the middle east. It doesn't matter to me if you have a uniform or civilian cloths, you are doing the same type of jobs in the same hostile environment and deserve the same respect! In all of the conflicts / wars in our history there have been civilians that have fought and died in the background to protect our freedoms and we owe a huge debt to everyone of them! You have served your country and you have made a difference, rest in peace Lee.

December 30, 2013 8:12:01 AM

I thought about what I was thinking when typing the words brave men . I should have said men and women however I was thinking of it from the context of mankind.

December 30, 2013 8:00:53 AM

Joey that is very sad. With a daughter in the military we are always aware or waiting for Brandy to tell us when she is deploying next and where to.

December 30, 2013 7:38:14 AM

Thanks Henry and Jeff. I was shocked to hear the news. I was keeping up with him on Facebook and had just read on Christmas Eve where he would be home in three weeks. So sad.

December 30, 2013 7:18:45 AM

Sorry to hear this news. I agree with Jeff as it is to easy to go about our days like there is not a war going on, Nothing in civilian life seems to be affected as vacations are still taken and new cars are purchased while these brave men sacrifice everything .

December 30, 2013 6:25:02 AM

sorry-This is a heart breaking story. It seems these days we almost forget that there is still a war going on. This brings it home.

December 30, 2013 4:17:21 AM