Linda Caffee, Freightliner Team Run Smart Pro, and Tom Kyrk, founder and chief blogger for will be hosting the first annual Cooking in the Truck Summit. This event will be held in the Freightliner hospitality trailer (Papa Johns lot) at the Mid-America Trucking Show on March 26th 2015, at 8PM.
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of drivers who prefer to cook in their trucks.  This is done for a variety of reasons including being able to save money, to improve their health, and more.  A variety of resources have become available to help encourage drivers to cook in their trucks.  These range from web sites to cookbooks for truckers, and even Facebook pages.

Cooking in the Truck Summit
Linda and Tom would like to improve the communication between these groups and make them aware of the resources that are available. Their goal is to get the word out that cooking on the truck does not have to be hard, complicated, or expensive.
The purpose of this Summit is threefold:

  1. Discuss ways to encourage and promote cooking in the truck.
  2. Share ideas on food and storage.
  3. Discuss ways to work with the various companies in the trucking industry to help them understand drivers needs.  The hope is that the products and services drivers’ need and use will become more widely available and economical.

Anyone with an interest in cooking in his or her truck, or grilling outside is welcome to attend. Everyone is encouraged to submit pictures and a brief description of their favorite cooking appliances, as well as storage solutions for life on the truck. This information will be made available to anyone on the Cooking in the Truck Summit Facebook page as well as on
This meeting meant to bring drivers together so that they can exchange ideas and encourage unity. This is not about promoting one style of cooking or way of doing things. Everyone is welcome from the expert chef to the novice who just reheats cans.  There is no wrong or right way.
The Cooking in the Truck Summit is not affiliated with any group or organization.  Linda and Tom are doing this on their own as they feel it is important bring as many people and ideas together as possible to promote cooking and living better on the road.

Comments (4)

Tom Kyrk

Tom has been in the trucking industry for over 9 years, working for a major over-the-road refrigerated carrier. He has done a little bit of everything – such as working as a police dispatcher, in retail electronics, and in restaurant kitchens. Out of all these jobs, he enjoys driving the most! Cooking is a close second though, as he is taking back his health with good choices and lifestyle changes. chronicles his story, shares tips with drivers, and embodies the idea of learning to live well from life’s lessons on the road.

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"Breaking" Point

March 04, 2013


I'm Diabetic and do not do meds. I have a refrigerator and a microwave I do low carb that means no wheat at all. and I do eat vary well precooked meat such as hamburger paddy's meat balls small caned veggies pre bagged salads hard boiled eggs to make deviled eggs and egg betters for breakfast and sugar free jello w/ whip cream. Have many more recipes. and of course Exercise EAT WELL, SLEEP WELL, AND DRIVE WELL .

April 26, 2015 11:58:10 AM

I cook with a crock pot, It smells good if youre cooking some roast all day, It gives you a good meal to look forward to.

April 25, 2015 16:51:13 PM

Looking forward to a follow up on this article Tom with updates and highlights on what has cooked and how it all turned out.

March 27, 2015 9:11:13 AM

Sure wish I could be there! I cook almost daily on the truck... real meals (pork roast, baby red potatoes & broccoli tonight). It's cheaper, healthier and is so convienient when sitting in a dock or parked in a rest area or other out-of-the-way place!

March 25, 2015 2:29:05 AM