The application process was easy and we sailed through our background check. Next we were lucky enough to be assigned a class near our home that we had for a couple of years. What a feeling to drive up to the school in our truck, be greeted at the door by two students who had stars in their eyes, and were very proud to be our escort back to their classroom.
Visiting a class is like no other feeling. When we walked into the classroom there was a big bulletin board full of our postcards and pictures we had sent. All of the children wanted pictures with us. The students were full of enthusiasm and asked the funniest questions. They wanted to know all about us and about the truck. We then went outside and the children got to see and learn about trucks, sit in the front seat and look out the mirrors, and see the blind spots for themselves. We left the school feeling like Rock Stars!
Next we gained a teacher in France and she wanted our help to teach her students a lot! The postcards that I send are fought over as the kids now want to do reports in English about the postcard and a little about the area it represents. Each month I use Streets and Trips to recreate all of the miles we have driven and what cities we have visited. The kids learn how to convert miles and are constantly amazed at how big the United States is compared to France.
Their teacher, Stephanie is great about sharing stories with us, how much the students English has improved, and how as a class they are proud to be Trucker Buddies. We have learned a lot about France and we are in awe at how brilliant these kids are with their grasp of English and how well they write. The letters are sent in cursive and have beautiful penmanship. We are very proud of our students and to be associated with a teacher like Stephanie.
Trucker Buddy means a lot to Bob and I and we are proud to be associated with this organization. All correspondence from us to the students or from the students to us is done through the teacher. Everything that we do is to give the students an idea of what the United States looks like through the eyes of a truck driver and to give them a respect for all truck drivers in any country.
Trucker Buddy was started in 1992 and there are approximately 2100 drivers involved, 2200 teachers, and 60,000 students. If interested in becoming a Trucker Buddy visit the web site http://truckerbuddy.org or call 1-800 MY BUDDY. Each driver must pass a background check and there are no fees for the teachers, drivers or students to join.

The Classes were campaining for us to get an Outstanding Trucker Buddy Award and all of their hard work paid off....

KC Brau, Linda Caffee, Randy Schwartzenburg