Exercising while living on the road isn’t always easy, but it can be done! We have compiled a list of exercises you can do while on the road, some outside of your truck and some you can do right inside the cab. Use these exercises to become a healthier version of you!

- STRETCH AND A WARM-UP LAP. First, stand up straight with your feet together, breathe in and raise your arms over your head slowly for a count of four. Slowly exhale for a count of four, lowering your arms to your side. Repeat five times. Second, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees softly bent. Slowly bend at the waist and let your arms hang loosely toward the ground. Never bounce. Breathe slowly and deeply for three breaths. Slowly straighten back up keeping your midsection tight and your back straight. Repeat five times. Then, jog one lap around your truck.
- 10 PUSH-OFFS FROM YOUR TRUCK. Place arms shoulder-width apart and legs are hip-width apart. Stand three feet away from your rig; place hands on your fender and push off slowly as you count to 3, never taking your hands off of your truck. Repeat 10 times.
- 10 STEP UPS. Move to the steps of your rig; step up with one leg and back down and up with the other. Should you need help (bad knees) use the grab-handle on the side of your cab to help balance yourself and for added support coming up. Remember to use your legs as much as possible and not your arms. Repeat 10 times.
- 10 SQUATS. Move to the front of your truck, position legs hip-width apart and hold onto your bumper and on a count of three slowly squat down as if you were sitting on a chair. Slowly raise yourself on a count of 3. Remember to keep your core (stomach) muscles tight and engaged. Repeat 10 times.
- 10 BICEP CURLS. Using two one-gallon water jugs filled with water depending on your personal strength. You want enough weight for resistance to perform at least 10 repetitions with each arm. Stand straight keeping your stomach muscles tight and do not lock your knees! Curl water jugs at the same time to chest height. Squeezing your biceps once you reach the top, lower jugs while maintaining resistance on the way down. Repeat 10 times.
- 10 SHOULDER LATERAL RAISES. After a proper warm-up, use two one-gallon water jugs filled with water depending on your personal strength. You want enough weight for resistance to perform at least 10 repetitions with each shoulder. Stand straight keeping your stomach muscles tight and do not lock your knees! With elbows slightly bent, raise water jugs out from your sides at the same time until elbows are shoulder high. Lower jugs and repeat 10 times.
- 10 FRONT SHOULDER RAISES. Stand straight keeping your stomach muscles tight and do not lock your knees! With elbows slightly bent, raise water jugs in front of you at the same time until elbows are shoulder high. Lower jugs while maintaining resistance on the way down. Repeat 10 times.
- 10 TRICEP PUSH-OFFS. Use the same form as regular push-offs. Move your hands closer together, thumbs touching and push off using your triceps. Repeat 10 times.
- 10 ROWS. Bend over so your back is parallel with ground and put one hand on your tire for support. With the other hand, slowly bring a filled water jug up to your side and then back down. Switch sides. Repeat 10 times on each side.
- LAPS. Without stopping, take another lap around your rig. Repeat as many as many times as your personal condition level will allow you. NEVER overdo it!
- USE THE FIT SYSTEM! Looking for cab-friendly equipment to use on the road? You are in luck! Introducing the Freightliner In-Cab Training System, or FIT System, for the professional driver. It’s the first exercise and flexibility system designed to allow the user to do an upper body, lower body, and cardiovascular workout in the comfort and safety of the cab of their truck. There are several exercisies you can do inside the cab using this equipmenet. Visit Rolling Strong for more infomation on these specific exercises or watch this latest Team Video to view a 10 minute workout using the FIT System with Bob Perry and Carissa Berres.
The FIT System is easy to install and easy to use and is now offered at a 10% discount for Team Run Smart members! Regular retail price is $69.95. Input "TRS" as the coupon voucher code at check out to get the discount. Click here to get FIT!
Use the exercises listed above and try the FIT system while on the road, and you will be on your way to healthier you!