July 13, 2016
Jeff Clark
Supporting your local 5k is one of those ultimate win-win situations. You win because of the health benefits of training for and then doing a 5k. The community wins because most 5k entry fees go to local charities. Our local 5k supports extracurricular activities for our kids. The trucking industry wins as well. Circulate before and after the race. Do not be afraid to tell people that you are a trucker. Many will ask questions. It lets the rest of the world see that the trucks are being driven by members of their community. 5 kilometers (about 3.1 miles) is a healthy distance. Marathon running is challenging It is good, but can also lead to repetitive use injuries. The chances are reduced by educating yourself, and cross training. The 5k is less likely to lead to injury. Most of us will take somewhere between 25 minutes and an hour to complete a 5k. Most programmed cardio workouts last about 30 minutes. Most workouts that are aimed at weight loss last about 45 minutes. To run your best 5k do both. Take some 5 mile runs. On other days you can run repeat quarter of half miles. Diversity in your workouts will make you a faster 5k runner. Most 5k participants walk. Walking might be the simplest and best exercise for truckers. Before her injuries my wife Roxanne enjoyed walking the 5ks that I ran in. After finishing, I would turn around and jog back to meet her. Then we would walk to the finish line together. Training to walk a 5k isn't difficult for most truckers. Try to concentrate and walk at a brisk pace for 3.1 miles. When you do this, you have completed one of the healthiest workout there is. Local businesses often donate to the expense of putting on a 5k. This allows the organizers to put more of the entrance fees collected into the charities. Generally the sponsors are printed on the shirts that you receive. Yes, you get a shirt for entering a 5k. I wear mine a lot. Sometimes people ask about them. I like to think that other truckers who see them might get motivated to try a 5k. That would be awesome. One of the things that I have discovered is that participants can be social. Cool, I'm social. Many people are surprised to learn that I am a professional driver. That's great. It wrecks the stereotypical view they may have of truckers. Having a positive public image benefits all of us. Check out the Truckin' Runners face book page. Other truckers who run and walk encourage you. They help to find safe places to park your truck and exercise. At least one of the members will know of a place along your route. There is no time like the present to start training. Why are you waiting?
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Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.
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