I remember when I was a child, the speedometer on my mother’s car had a red “55” on it.  The reasoning behind this was simply because the standard national speed limit for vehicles at the time was 55mph.  I also remember a popular movie from that time called “Back to the Future”, in which the DeLorean time machine had to reach 88mph to activate the flux-capacitor.  At that time this speed was thought to be really fast for a car, but now you can find people driving that fast daily on any of the freeways across the United States!  The advances in car technology, speed and safety have made it so that a common speed limit around our country ranges from 70-75mph.  Even though this is the case you will probably still find people that are doing 55mph in the “hammer lane”, stuck to the old 55mph limit and swearing they are not going any faster because it’s unsafe.
Highway speeds are not the only thing around us moving faster, phone technology is also another thing advancing at an alarming rate.  When you think about it, as recent as 25 years ago, things were downright archaic.  If you wanted to call someone, you had to actually get to a landline and dial him or her up at his or her home or office.  If they weren’t home or in their office you were pretty much out of luck until they returned.  Then came the cell phone and pager era with advancements happening so fast, you couldn't buy them as fast as new models were coming out.  If you happened to have one of the really early cell phones in the eighties, you probably thought you were so cool carrying around a small briefcase-sized battery attached to the handset.
Likewise, computers were not as readily available as they are today and if you were privileged enough to own one of those green and black-screened beauties, it probably cost you an arm and a leg!  Now that we can buy phones from a vending machine (believe me, I’ve seen it!) and computers upgrade so fast that they outdated a month after you buy them, there really is only one option; hop in the fast lane or get passed up while doing 55mph in the hammer lane yourself!
There are no exceptions to this theory in the trucking industry either.  The advancements in trucking technology are many and range from phone apps to increased computer control of truck engines.  Being pushed into the technological realm of social media by my good friend and fellow Pro Linda Caffee, I feel like I am on the downhill rush of my favorite roller coaster!  I couldn’t imagine being without a lot of it now, as I can easily keep in touch with friends all over the country, conduct meetings through phone and web, as well keep up to date on current news from within our industry.  Team Run Smart is an extension of this technology and is one of many ways to help make your business more successful and find help in adapting to all the new technological advancements within the trucking profession.  After thinking about it and wondering, “Is the world moving so fast it might pass me by?” I come to only one conclusion.  The world will not pass me up because I choose to be involved and not fight the natural evolution of the industry.  Not that I don’t stand up for my rights, or respect those that fight for my rights as well, but once something becomes inevitable I choose to accept and adapt rather than dwindle on the would’ve-been/could’ve-been side of things.  Be sure you move at the “speed of business” and avoid being passed up while society, technology and business become more complicated and while everything keeps advancing at exponential rates!

Comments (2)

Jimmy Nevarez

Jimmy Nevarez is the Owner/President of Angus Transportation, Inc., based in Chino, California.  Jimmy pulls a 53' dry van hauling general dry freight for his own small fleet, operating on its own authority throughout all of Southern California and Southern Nevada.

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July 27, 2013


Staying on top of technology is a daunting task! When I look back at not such a long time ago when we had to use Park N View to get internet, when we had a bag phone ONLY to be used in case of an emergency... The list goes on and when everything is working it is great BUT when my computer has a hiccup my heart races as it has became so much a part of how we do business. Good reminder Jimmy

September 25, 2013 19:41:36 PM

I still have one of those bag phones and a pager packed away some where. It sure ha changed the way we do business.

September 25, 2013 8:29:27 AM