Even with all of the advancements that have been made in personal GPS systems, truck drivers are hesitant to depend solely on this technology when they’re on the road. Many drivers say that GPS systems are unreliable and they don’t allow them to plan out their route. Plus, generic car GPS systems don’t warn drivers about roads where trucks are prohibited or places of interest for them to stop. However, many of the most popular GPS companies are coming out with highly advanced GPS systems, perfect for truck drivers.
These systems don’t just give direction, they do many additional things to assist truck drivers on the road. The goal is for these GPS systems to be the primary tool for truck drivers so that they don’t have to rely on a physical map.
If you are a trucker looking for a new GPS, here are some common features available in most GPS units for truck drivers.
Detailed Mapping
This is the most essential feature of every GPS system. Your GPS is going to tell you the directions you need to take and how long it is going to take you. However, some systems provide estimated fuel costs and allow drivers to plan routes with stops along the way.
Traffic Alerts
Once again, this is a feature that almost every GPS system has today. A good GPS will give you information about upcoming accidents, construction, weather, and any other causes for delay.
Most GPS units are able to connect to everything. Many GPS units will come with Bluetooth, WiFi, microphones, speakers, hands-free voice control, backup cameras, and connectivity to smartphones. This way, all of your devices can work together in order for you to get the job done as efficiently as possible.
Approved Roadways
Now let’s talk about features specifically for GPS units meant for truck drivers. A good GPS for truck drivers will plan routes based on roads that are approved for semi-trucks. All you have to do is put in your truck’s information, including height, weight, length, and cargo. When the GPS knows this information, it will handle all the hassle of planning your route accordingly.
Drive Assist Features
A GPS for truck drivers will come stored with information that only a truck driver would be interested in knowing. They will have information on repair services, tow services, truck stops, weigh stations, rest stops, and more. These systems will also give information about curves, steep inclines, and narrow roads. Finally, a good GPS for truck drivers will provide lane assist to make sure you are in the correct lane in order to make an exit.
Conserving Fuel
Fuel is one of the most significant expenses that a trucker will face. That is why it’s important that your GPS can provide you with information in order to conserve fuel and make sure you aren’t spending too much. When you plan your route, a good GPS will let you know where to stop in advance to fill up with the most cost-effective fuel. Your GPS can also alert you if you are driving excessively fast or deviating from your planned route.
Trip Logging
Your ELD has to be synchronized with the truck’s engine to comply with the FMCSA’s ELD Mandate. This means that your GPS cannot be used as your approved ELD. However, the data that your GPS keeps can be used to verify that the numbers from your ELD are accurate. GPS units today can monitor your hours of service, driving status, hours of sleep, mileage, and IFTA fuel data.
Fleet Management
A collection of GPS units for truck drivers can also be used by a fleet manager to see the specific location of all of the trucks on the road. This can help improve the customer service of the company by allowing the manager to let shippers and receivers know how close their driver is to arriving at their destination. Managers can also make sure their drivers are on the correct route and driving appropriately.
Best GPS Units for Truck Drivers
Now that you know about the features that are available to you when purchasing a GPS, here are the highest rated GPS units for truck drivers that are on the market.
Garmin dezl 770LMTHD
Learn More: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/162982
Rand McNally TND 740
Learn More: https://www.randmcnally.com/product/tnd-740
Garmin dezl 560LMT
Learn More: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/93853
Rand McNally TND 520
Learn More: https://www.randmcnally.com/product/intelliroute-tnd-520-lm
Garmin dezl 760LMT
Learn More: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/112211
Don’t Throw Away the Atlas
Even with these GPS systems specifically for truck drivers, it is still recommended that all drivers have a physical map with them at all times. Technology is getting better every day but still can’t be 100% trusted. Systems fail, break, run out of battery, etc. However, these GPS systems should work most of the time and allow for you to be able to operate your truck as efficiently as possible.
This article was originally featured on ATBS.com.