We have developed incredible ways to communicate. We have developed all kinds of devices. When I started we communicated via pay phone. In the morning, we would call to get assignments. In the evening we would make check calls. Now, my dispatches come via people net and e mail. I can look up the address via a different device. I can input the address into my truck navigational device. I marvel at the technology we have developed. Now, if we could just develop one that helps us communicate well. Written accuracy increases profitability.
Most truck drivers did not become truckers because they excel at communication. Most technicians did not learn to work on trucks because they excelled at communicating. Talk to your shop manager. Schedule the service ahead of time. Written communication beats verbal. Emails are a from of written communication. Verbal communications can be forgotten more easily than written ones.
The shop manager does not work for the company driver. The driver does not work for the shop manager. They work with each other. They need to understand that. Blaming each other does not help. They need to work together. Accurate written communication helps them work together.
The shop manager does work for the one paying the bills. If you are an owner operator, the shop manager does work for you. I think of it as a partnership. Clear communications promote better partnerships. They need to know basic things like, where the truck is. When can they have it? When do you need it? Schedule in advance. Write down what you want done. Everyone benefits when the job is done right the first time.
The trucks themselves have become communication devices. By plugging them in the techs can communicate directly with the truck. Your Freightliner equipped with a Detroit engine can communicate directly with the techs and engineers in Detroit when a check engine light comes on. Detroit (with virtual technician) communicates back to the owner of the truck via email. It is a terrific system. Check engine lights are sensitive. They can come on for minor problems. The email can communicate the severity of the problem. Hopefully, it is something that can be scheduled ahead of time, or during regular service intervals. This can maximize up time.
The perfect truck has never rolled off the line. Written communications between driver, owner, and shop are essential. The driver, or owner communicate with a shop manager. The shop manager communicates with the tech. With oral communication, the further down the line it gets, the further from the instructions it gets. Poor communication can increase down time. Written communication increases accuracy. That maximizes up time. That increases satisfaction and profitability.