While microwaving a meal in my truck, I began to think if my efforts to save money while on the road would one day be costing me in the long run.
Years ago, trucks were not equipped with the fine amenities offered today. Most trucks didn’t even have a sleeper berth. Today’s new trucks on the market offer refrigerators, microwaves, entertainment centers and cooking capabilities. In fact, some custom sleepers offer a well-equipped bathroom. With these fine amenities offered inside our trucks, travel centers and services may become unnecessary and most importantly… unprofitable.
Through out the years we have went from almost total dependence on truck stops for fuel, food, showers, and even sleeping rooms to now basically using the truck stops for parking areas. Now we cook our supper in our trucks, use our phones and computers to stay in touch with family and friends, some take showers in the trucks and now we have different needs from our parking areas.
I’ve become aware that over the years, the restaurants inside these travel centers aren’t always full. Yet, the parking lot may be overflowing with overnight truck drivers. Are those drivers using all that the travel center offers? Many times, drivers may only go inside to use necessary facilities or grab a cup of coffee. My concern is in the future if we stop patronizing the travel center and only use the parking facilities… what happens to the travel center? If we think we have parking issues now, what happens when the travel centers becomes a fuel only stop?

Comments (9)

Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/Tâ„¢, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.

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April 03, 2018


Good question Timothy. Frank-I am with you-although since I have gotten an ELD I park at customers overnight whenever possible.

November 21, 2013 18:30:41 PM

It's only a matter of time before they will have to charge for parking. Look at it from the truckstop owners perpective, they are operating a business too. They have overhead costs too and are in business to make a profit. I'm as guilty as anyone. I pull in for the night, park, use the restroom and maybe get a cup of coffee. I'm basically using them. Truck drivers complain a lot about giving away their time and not being compensated for what they do, but they then do the same to the truckstop owners

There are already several truckstops that charge to park, unless you buy fuel or make a store or maintenance purchase. I believe that this will a trend that will continue and I completely understand it from their perspective. I agree with what Kimberly added too. The truckstops need to start offering more modern amenities such as red box. Many have started offering better food choices. I appreciate that.

October 18, 2012 10:38:12 AM

Great lesson learned: Do not use smartphone to respond to posts. It is very difficult to proofread.
But I wanted to also add that I really wouldn't mind paying a few dollars for reserved parking at truck stops in some cities.

October 17, 2012 9:34:18 AM

I think this is definatly somethink to think about but, I think that as the drivers and trucks are changing, the truck stops need to change as well. I use the truck stops mainly for fueling, showering and parking. I avoid the restaurants because there is too much temptation and I find it difficult to make the right choises. And I avoid purchasing food items in the general departments because I would rather pay $2.50 for a whole box of cereal than $2.00 fo a single servinh.
But what I would like to see is the truck stops offering services and items that todays drivers are needing. For example, REDBOX- It is quick and easy and all movies can be returned at any kiosk in any state. MAILING SERVICES- We all have made purchases on the way. How fun it is to be able to send items in the mail. At most truck stops I can't even mail a postcard; let alone a package. DOGGY SHOWERS- When you live this closely to a pet, you want him or her to be clean. VACUUMS- (that word never looks spelled right) I have a small handheld vacuum for my truck, but sometimes a good old fashioned car-vac gets into hard to reach spaces.

October 17, 2012 9:12:31 AM

this issue is a definite concern the article brings the other side of the parkinng issues to light

October 14, 2012 9:50:42 AM

14 hour rule, in my opinion has more to do with avoiding eateries than actual saving $. In my day I cannot afford to give up any time in the day. I cannot be alone in keeping a tight schedule. In doing a per trip plan avg 52 mph delays out of our control will happen and eating out is the first to grab time from.

The unexpected consequence of govt. over sight. My opinion "we could use 3 hours a week to extend the 14 hour clock for delays, nap, or personal business in a week". The truck stop sit down eateries a wonderfull break from standing in line for a meal that is slowly damaging our health and mental well being. What is the long term consequences to drivers with this rule, Any studies ever been done on this rule.

October 14, 2012 6:34:47 AM

I agree with your concerns Henry. The local T/A is struggling. The parking lot is usually full but the Country Pride restaurant is struggling to break even. I can't speak for all truck stop restaurants, but this one serves great food! In fact it is my wife and I's favorite place to eat out. The food is great, they have a supurb salad bar, the prices are reasonable and the employees are very friendly. They almost closed this year but somehow have decided to remain open. It will be a sad day if they close their doors.

October 12, 2012 14:48:19 PM

I do not see what choice the truck stops will have in the future as the sleepers are being coming more sophisticated. We no longer have to go into the truck stop for camaraderie we can pick up the phone or go online and chat with our friends. We fuel and get our showers and it is back to the truck to watch a movie or catch up on computer work.

October 11, 2012 16:03:48 PM

What happens when they have to start charging for parking to stay in business.

October 11, 2012 9:39:56 AM