A short time ago I did a blog titled “Please”. “Please” was asking everyone to start driving more defensively and cautiously. What I have been witnessing out here on the highway are more and more crashes. I say crashes because when people run into each other on a perfectly straight highway, there is not much room to call it an accident. As many of you know, I used to race stock cars on the oval tracks. Here, as of late, I’m seeing people attempting maneuvers that we would not even try on a racetrack. Just today I was stuck in a situation on I-10 in Louisiana where there were multiple traffic incidents along with at least one fatality. This led to a three-and-a-half-hour delay in my day. Even worse, it meant that someone did not make it home. So now, here I am, begging everyone to pass the word and start driving in a manner that will hopefully reduce the amount of carnage I have been observing on a regular basis. Below is a rerun of the blog which addressed this very subject.
Everyone, please be safe out there. Please get home alive! Please!