We are coming up on motorcycle season in Wisconsin and elsewhere. Be aware. As truckers we can be frustrated by motorcycles. They can be hard to see. They are quick. Some riders are irresponsible. They often ride recklessly. Even when a cyclist does everything right riding is simply more dangerous than driving a car. The rider is not surrounded by steel and air bags. Bikes do not come with seat belts.

Look twice. Save a life. It is the slogan that we see on billboards. It makes sense. Many motorcycle deaths are caused because they are not seen. A car or a truck may not see a motorcycle at first glance. Pay attention. Look again.


Many truckers are cyclists as well. I enjoy both. Getting out on my bike feels like freedom. Those summer rides to nowhere are recreational. Just because they are recreational does not mean that you should take them lightly. Riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than driving a car. Motorcyclists should always keep that in mind. Most bikes are high performance. Just because your bike is fast, does not make it alright to ride it that way.

Wear you helmet. It is safer. I am a rider who does not believe in helmet laws. I always wear my helmet. You should too. I do not believe that the state should make you wear a helmet. I do believe that if you don't you should have your head examined.  Many riders believe that wearing a helmet somehow infringes on that “feeling”. It doesn't for me. Some riders have tried to convince me that they are safer without one. They're not.

Make sure your bike is safe. It is common for mine to lose tire pressure over the winter. Improperly inflated motorcycle tires are unsafe. Check all of your lights every time you ride. Proper lighting makes it more likely that you will be seen. I do everything that I can to increase my visibility. Then I assume that no one sees me. It is important to be aware of EVERYTHING when on a bike. Ride defensively.
Now, enjoy the summer.

Comments (2)

Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark of Kewaunee, WI has been driving a truck for 24 years. He has been an owner operator for 11 years.

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I get incredibly defensive on the bike. When I was 18, I dumped a bike. That was back when there was some type of fiberglass. It shattered. So glad that I had the helmet on.

May 22, 2015 4:46:40 AM

Very nice article Jeff and a great reminder. I've seen some questionable people doing crazy things on motorcycles on the highways here in Oregon but none of it can compare to the stupidity I witnessed last week while in California. It's a wonder there isn't multiple motorcycle fatalities every day in that state. It seems that people just don't value their own life very much. I also ride but I'm a very defensive rider and try to keep a good distance between myself and other vehicles and I wouldn't think of getting on a motorcycle without a helmet.

May 21, 2015 8:33:20 AM