In two weeks time we added the ATDynamics Trident Trailer Tail and the Bolt Custom Trucks Flirt Skirts. We have been running the Smart Truck system and now it is time to test it against this configuration. We left the top part of Smart Truck on the box and removed the sides to install the Trailer Tail.
The Flirt Skirts work like the belly boxes on a bus and will be easy to rise while in parked at a truck stop in between trailers. We will add more toolboxes to the rear of the truck behind the skirts as time goes on. The Skirts are easy to open to get into exiting toolboxes as well as to check the tires.
We run a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that monitors the tire pressure and the temperature of the tires. Questions have been asked what will happen if we have a blow out? My answer "It will cause a mess". With the TST TPMS system we run it will be difficult to run a tire low that would cause a blow out. If we run over something that big on the interstate it will probably tear up the skirts as well as the tires.
The skirts are low and we will have to pay even more attention to docks, curbs, and anything in the road. There are a lot of if's that will have to be answered over time such as how will snow affect our weight and the skirts? Will the skirts hold in heat and affect our disc brakes? Time will tell and as always we will be giving feedback to Bolt Custom Trucks about the performance of the skirts and our fuel mileage.
The ATDynamics Trident Trailer Tail is very easy to open and to close. We like the open bottom as snow will fall through and not accumulate on the bottom panel. We have LED lights and snow build up can be a problem. Each time we stop we clean off the lenses as snow can build up in this are due to the bulbs not producing any heat.
The interstate is full of trailers that are inches off of the road surface and they are able to traverse the countryside safely with very heavy loads. We have seen what happens when they do not read the road surface right and have to have a crane or tow truck come in and move them to the side or get them past a hump in the road. I am glad we have more options to this problem. We can always lift the skirts if we have to go over a curb or we hump, we can also lift them if going into a steep dock, which we do not do often.
We will document very carefully our fuel mileage to see what kind of change we will receive and if it is worth the effort.