Despite requests to delay from the American Trucking Association (ATA) and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) plowed full steam ahead and implemented the rule change effective May 21, 2014. I wrote about this in November 2013 and the blog can be found here. At the time of that blog I wondered if there would be enough certified examiners in my hometown as there was only 1. Now there are 10 in my hometown of nearly 50,000 which is good, however my personal doctor isn't one of them which is bad. Follow this link to see the certified medical examiners in your community.
The following is taken directly from their website and explains the new program:
The National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (National Registry) is a new Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) program. All commercial drivers whose current medical certificate expires on or after May 21, 2014, at expiration of that certificate must be examined by a medical professional listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. Only medical examiners that have completed training and successfully passed a test on FMCSA's physical qualification standards will be listed on the National Registry.
I heard on RoadDog radio recently where someone was defending this rule change and made a statement that you can't have "any old Joe" medically examining drivers. I took offense to that remark because I do believe that a medical professional (medical doctor, physician's assistant) isn't "any old Joe" The rule change is in effect so start planning now who you'll go to for your next physical. I don't like the "doc in a box" mentality, but it seems to very popular in our fast paced culture. However, there will probably be a few family doctors who get qualified for the registry and I'll be seeking one of them out for my next exam.