After talking to hundreds of drivers at the Freightliner booth at the Mid America Truck Show in March, I was amazed at the high percentage of truckers who didn’t have email addresses. This speaks to a larger problem within our industry of professional drivers who are lacking the technology skills to thrive in the business.  Sure you can buy a truck and buy yourself a job, but chances are that you won’t be as successful as you could be if you don’t use technology to your advantage.

I’m probably preaching to the choir here because if you’re reading this, you’re accessing the Team Run Smart website so you’re already ahead of 75% (my estimation) of professional drivers who don’t use the internet to stay informed of their industry.  The Team Run Smart website is one of the best resources for company drivers and owner-operators alike as the content is always fresh and from industry experts and real owner-operators on the road every day.  In addition to this site, I actively use Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin so please use the links to connect with me.

Besides the aforementioned websites, I use a couple of load boards to help me find loads.  Even though I only transport automobiles, I have subscribed to regular freight load boards periodically to keep tabs of freight rates and trends going on in the different regions of the country.  I also use weather apps, fuel price finders, satellite imagery and truck stop apps to help me plan routes, fuel stops and even where I’m going to eat.  Believe it or not, but the extra few minutes it takes me to plan my trip on my iPad, saves me time and money because once I’m rolling, I have a planned route; stopping at the fuel stops with the best value on fuel,  healthy food choices and adequate personal hygiene options.
As members of the trucking industry, we can benefit the most by the advances in mobile technology.  Staying connected with family back home is easier than ever not to mention the myriad of free resources available to us to find fuel, food, repair, weather, etc.  Keep on trucking and Ever Forward!


Comments (9)

Joey Slaughter

Joey Slaughter is the owner of Blue Ridge Transport, LLC. Joey has been in the trucking industry since 1992.

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August 26, 2013


I know what you're saying Ray. I was following a guy to an auto auction once and he had a GPS and got lost. He pulled over and said "that d*$% thing doesn't work!" Yeah right, a GPS will find you just about any place in the U.S. Some people would rather do it the hard way so your point "to each their own" rings true!

May 16, 2013 11:12:14 AM

It still blows me away to hear a driver slamming the use of a GPS unit by saying, "Back in the old days we didn't have GPS that's why I just use my trusty old atlas." That makes no sense to me because back in the old days they didn't have CB radios either, but they are using one...same for the atlas, too.

I just never can wrap my brain around someone not wanting to learn something as simple as a QualComm or the internet, especially this day and age. To each their own, I guess.

May 16, 2013 7:41:15 AM

Ted, wow 2001 was a long time ago it seems. A lot of drivers out here think it's 1981 though. They think getting a fax machine is high tech! Great to hear from you. Amy, great point about the financial benefit of using technology. I used to pay someone to dispatch me, then I bought an iPad and started doing it myself. The iPad has paid for itself many times over.

May 15, 2013 14:55:55 PM

As a former OTR driver 1994-2001 and now a computer programmer, the information technology you mentioned is valuable, and more drivers would benefit from the services the web has to offer. When I drove the mentioned technology was still in its infancy, but I definitely see the value it has. Great article keep it going.

May 15, 2013 10:04:36 AM

This was fun to read Joey! I'd like to see more owner-operators understand the financial benefit to using technology.

May 15, 2013 9:40:17 AM

I did not have any of this technology in my truck up untill five years ago and it sure has made my operation better. The only thing I had in the past was a cell phone. I really did not "need" anything else or so I thought!!! Having the internet in my truck opened many new frontiers for my business.

May 14, 2013 20:30:12 PM

HEY! Even I have email-I find myself using satellite technology everyday. It makes the job so much easier.

May 14, 2013 17:32:33 PM

Using technology is a "must" for full timers like you and Bob. Paying bills and managing the home front is even more of a challenge I'm sure.

May 14, 2013 9:02:14 AM

I am always amazed when someone tells me they cannot get email when on the road. Over the years we have used Park N View and then on to using truck stop WiFi and now to having our own hot spot. We would be lost without our internet connection. Internet allows us to keep up with our family, keep up with our banking, now what is going on with weather, and the news.

May 14, 2013 5:56:38 AM