Making a wild evasive maneuver at the last second because you have missed a turn or exit is an irresponsible decision.

Recently while traveling across I-10 east in the great state of Alabama I had merged and got onto I-65 north exit ramp, this particular exit is a left-hand exit with two lanes going to I-65 north.

Let me set the scene for you… there is a car a little bit ahead of me in the left lane of the exit ramp. There is a pickup truck to my right which is continuing on I-10 east. I am slowing down to the 35 MPH recommended speed for the ramp. Suddenly and at the last second before entering the curve the car on my left turned sharp right without any signal and shot across the paved median to remain on I-10 east. Oddly enough the pickup truck which was on the right at the same moment made a sharp left and shot across the paved median. The pickup nearly clipped my right-hand corner of the truck and at the same time narrowly missing the car which had come from my left side. At this point, the available real estate was becoming in short supply. Fortunately, I already had my foot on the brake slowing down for the ramp and was able to slow down enough to not hit either of these vehicles.

What appeared to happen in this situation of erratic maneuvers was two vehicles nearly missing their exit on the interstate. The safe thing for either of these vehicles would have been to continue on the road they were currently on and turn around at the next exit to correct their miscalculation. Driving to the next exit no matter how far it is won't kill you… Making a highly aggressive maneuver to not miss your exit not only puts you at risk but all the other vehicles in your vicinity.

What everyone should do is say "Oh, I missed my turn" and continue on rather than put everyone else at risk. In the end, it is better to take the time to correct your mistake in this manner instead of creating a situation that could be a deadly mistake.

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Henry Albert

Henry Albert is the owner of Albert Transport, Inc., based in Statesville, NC. Before participating in the "Slice of Life" program, Albert drove a 2001 Freightliner Century Class S/Tâ„¢, and will use his Cascadia for general freight and a dry van trailer. Albert, who has been a trucker since 1983, was recognized by Overdrive as its 2007 Trucker of the Year.

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